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Thursday 30 June 2016

At last a sunny start to the day - - - & Boris gets support to be PM

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Scotland and London look to have a bit of rain but the huge blobs of the last couple of days are absent at the moment - - - locally we are clear of rain clouds ,- - - fingers crossed for today!
 Not quite double figures on the Temp at the moment but it looks promising outside.  Yesterdyas rain is recorded at 10.3mm it just went on and on until around 18:00
the weathercam has a great view just now, nice blue sky for the most part.  Forecasters are indicating the cloud will build as we go through the morning and there's a good chance of some more rain this afternoon

The rain had already begun yesterday but i had earlier planned i would do a few jobs in the garden so out i went 
 the laurel hedge that we cut the top off not long ago had a good trim, it was overgrowing the little path between it and the pergola
 I'll leave the other side for a while
 every time i put the food out for the birds at the moment the wet iris's have a go at drenching me so they got the treatment as well
 the miniature Apricot making a bid for freedom in the top greenhouse was trimmed off as well.  Its looking like it might not be a miniature after all
 the garden loves the rain but i'm getting soaked now so its time to pack it in
the fish look to be enjoying themselves though.  The water is now crystal clear at last after many filter foam cleanings and mini barley straw bales - - - 

After returning to the dry of the house i later noticed something covering the down garden camera. I thought it was a bird sitting in front of the lens.  It turned out to be the resident spider who resolutely spins its web every time i clear it from the camera - - - 

Boris's leadership campaign  to be PM swings into action - - - the article claims he has the backing of more MP's than other front runners 

The top half of the Metro has coverage of the match at Wimbledon but I cant find it in their pages, here's what the BBC said about it quite an adventure for Marcus Willis ranked 772 in the world put on a good show after early match nerves - - -

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