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Sunday 26 June 2016

New Birdfeeder arrangement - - - & - - - Butcher sells meat in lbs and oz - -

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

 the Netweather.TV rain display looks pretty impressive this morning with the large blob above NI looking like its headed right for us locally
currently the local picture has us in this trail of rain and its lined up perfectly for us to get the maximum exposure to it.  Forecasts for today are a bit wide of the mark.  The Met O has us dry until the afternoon.  Metcheck is a little better but we have already had significant rain since dawn and their focus on that is also mid to late afternoon - - -

With thunderstorms predicted yesterday i set off for the "Gym" rather tongue in cheek wondering if i was going to get a soaking.  We had shopped early and been caught in the middle of a downpour in Chesterfield.  As we drove back though it became obvious that it was a fairly isolated storm because our local area was still completely dry

 This is the view on the top of the knoll where these groups of hawthorns and a few other deciduous trees are next on the list for clearing 
 down off the knoll i can see the 2 trees in the stream that will need Boris's help to drag them out so they can join the stash in the field 
 cutting down these type of trees is not exactly difficult but the saw can get stuck if you saw through the wrong bit too early.  In this photo there are only two small bits holding it up and the whole thing is creaking away in the wind 
 down it goes and now its job to disentangle the lot.  At least with trees like this there is quite a bit of firewood to be had without employing the maul to smash trunks etc  
 the small bushes by the fence managed to stop the tree falling onto it 
 the new stash is coming along 
looking upwind I think its time to leave - - - 
by the time i get back home however the large dark clouds have past and we sit in the garden 
 we have a couple of water lilies open but still not as good as years gone by.  I noticed the curled leaves and googled it, possibly finding the problem.  One of the reasons for curled leaves is that the plant might be pot bound.  This is a distinct possibility because it must have been in various ponds of ours for years.  We will have a go at it in winter 
 The old apple tree at the top of the garden is deciding to sprout new bits directly from its trunk on the northern side.  Its a few years since we cut off all the branches on that side and now the tree is re-growing to compensate for the loss  The trees to the South and East of it are slightly taller so we are guessing that this new growth is also a reaction to that as well.  The tree must be at least 50 years old but its not giving up just yet 
 with the last of the Squirrel proof birdfeeders delivered yesterday as i went logging, and the rain holding off.  Once i returned it was time to re-jig the feeder area and camera.  The feeders are all hooked onto brackets and with the cages around them they make a wider display.  The main webcam camera i had to move back a bit, is under the polycarbon cover because its really an indoor camera.  The black camera in the foreground is one we use to view whats going on without taking up any of the bandwidth for streaming the other on the website 
as soon as they are all in position one of the local magpies shows us that he's more than a match for our new display.  At least now the food is more difficult to get at.  we noticed that when we hung up the new fatball feeder a few days ago the fatballs in it lasted a couple of days which normally in the old one they would have gone in less than 24 hrs 
a nice view down the garden from the old top terrace 


 The Brexit stories are all over the news and rightly so after the "Leave " vote.  One that bemuses me is the way this petition set up by William Oliver Healey (!) has generated 2.5 million signatures.  He wants to "implement a rule that if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout of less than 75% there should be another referendum. - - - I think he, and his followers should be reminded what democracy is all about.  Or as my No 1 Daughter (the younger) put it on her facebook page the other day "I think that everyone needs just to chill the F**K out, Democracy happened, live with it.  - - - 
Of course one of the topics of the day is who is going to be the next PM now that DC has spat his dummy out?  he should have been ushered out of downing street as soon as he resigned and a new one elected that day! - - -

 This is a great move by Devon butcher Darren Gratton under pressure from his customers he has started offering meat in pounds and ounces ! - - - 

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