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Monday 6 June 2016

Some fine weather at last - - - & - - - Govt. is hiding illegal migrant figures!

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
Once again there's no rain showing on Netweather radar this morning
 not quite double figures yet but its looking like it won't be long before we are
The weathercam has a nice clear sky view this morning.  Forecasters are confident it will not rain today and the top Temp is looking like something in the 20's

 with the weather forecast set for a hot day yesterday we shot out early and brought down another load of wood

once this layer is complete that will be enough to last us through the winter.  
 it was once again a misty start to the day but by lunchtime the sky was clear and as forecast it was quite hot 
 the garden definitely looks its best with the sun shining  
 we settled down under the brolly to watch Andy Murray get trounced in the French Open finals.  LM joined us in the garden but he soon headed for the shade as it was just too hot for him with his fur coat on 

 he finally settled down on the step and snoozed in the dappled shade 
the challenge to stop the larger birds eating all the fatballs continues!  I put some longer pieces of fence wood behind the container yesterday but they soon learned to land on the bit of wood the camera is fastened to and then fly onto the fatball holder and have a go at it ! - - - 


The Express has a good headline this morning with the Govt getting a caning over not letting information about illegal immigration into the country - - - scandalous - - - 

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