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Thursday 23 June 2016

Time for Midsummer hedge clipping - - - & - - - Is it going to be just "Referendum Day" or could it be "Independence Day?"

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Metcheck had this spot on!  as early as midday yesterday they issued an advisory that there would be severe thunderstorms in the channel and France.  The blue and purple bits on the Netweather display show lightening.  The advisory also mentioned that it might affect SE England which is also apparent from the display
locally "stuff" is bubbling up to the SW and coming our way maybe Metcheck is on the monmey again - - -
 nice and warm this morning with just a hint of a breeze, the Northerly direction of it has me worried though because it should be from the SW as it was yesterday
the weathercam view follows my concern with a rather cloudy sky.  Having said that MET O forecasters are pointing to a dry sunny cloudy day.  Metcheck on the other hand indicate we might have light intermittent showers at any time - - -
this is one of the webcams i look at in the morning,  sad i know, normally its lashing with rain and windy.  This morning its looks pretty good as the sun comes up over Stromness Harbour  click the link to see whats going on now - - -  
Another couple of hours at the Gym yesterday ! 

The nettles had grown up around what remained of the tree branches from when we pulled them all out of and around the stream some time ago 
 it wasn't until i got to pulling them out i realised just how much was in there 
 it took some time to extract them, from the nettles as well as the long grass that had grown over them.  What looked like an hours job was going to be much longer 
 undaunted i set to and put another couple of rows around the Northern end of the wall and then chucked the rest inside 
even after a couple of hours work i still have some left for today 
 back home and after lunch it was time for the hedges to get their midsummer clipping the box hedge on the left has been around for years now and the smaller one on the right, added 3 years ago,  is just getting large enough to have a bit of shape when clipped 
 The Rosemary bush to the left of the steps has had a few bad years with holes appearing in it but its looking fine this year.  Its nice to brush past it on your way up the steps and smell the pungent aroma  
The lupins in their pots are doing great too 
in an attempt to stop the jackdaws and magpies dominating the feeders i ordered a squirrel proof fatball feeder and a similar peanut feeder.  Unfortunately the order picker picked a seed feeder rather than a peanut one so i might have to wait a while for that one.  The squirrel proofing might not stop the big birds but at least it will make it a little more difficult even though they will be able to hang onto the cage to get at the food - - - we shall see - - - 

Here's hoping we wont be watching the likes of this much longer.  In a matter of minutes the larger birds can completely devour the fatball .  I was watching this magpie just after i hung up the new feeder.  He looked confused at first but not for long - - - 
i put these two fatballs in yesterday and once i replenish the tray with food I'll be watching what happens 

Boris's manky bumper is set to be replaced - - - very soon - - - its getting to look a tad awful now - - - ==================================

 No problem guessing the headlines in most of the papers today 
The Express nails the Union Jack to the mast and tells us Vote leave today 
 I like the Daily Mirror front page with its reference to a "leap in the dark" The text behind the headline with its latest polls has the Remain camp firmly in the lead
The Star's more comic comment of Grab your future by the ballots has a text full of the innuendo that we have been exposed to by both sides in the run up to the referendum - - -
So thats its then Referendum day - - - in the words of a long gone anonymous racing driver - - - "When the flag drops the bullshit stops" - - - Tomorrow we will know if its Heads or Tails, Yes or No, Leave or Remain. 
 personally i think the Remains have it?  - - -  

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