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Friday 24 June 2016

Independence day! as the UK votes to Leave the EU

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Locally the Netweather.tv rain display is completely clear.  Scotland appears to be having quite a bit of rain and the line of red blobs from Elgin through Aberdeen and on down into the North Sea have a lot of lightening activity in them
 the Temp is on the mild side but still double figures this morning
the sky was completely clear an hour ago but cloud is bubbling up right now.  The moon is still visible just on the edge of the cloud.  The forecasts for today are diametrically opposed for some reason.  The Met O is going for a day of heavy rain from 09:00 to 12:00 then thunderstorms from 12:00 to 15:00 and then rain right through until midnight.  Metcheck on the other hand has only a 40% chance of rain around midday and then gradually the cloud will thin and by the time we get to 18:00 the sun is predicted to shine - - - personally I'm backing the Metcheck prediction - - 
The South East of England had some lightening storms yesterday with heavy rain and flooding in some places
Sky News video showing some of yesterdays storms in the south of England  

It was another half decent day yesterday so time to go logging
 I had assembled all the remaining bits from the big trees the previous day and had a go at them, i was determined today to see it all into the stash
 the idea is to fill in the middle and then have a bit of a roofline on the top to dissipate the rain water

 an hour later its filling up nicely
 nearly done and these final three bits from the base of the trunk resist the maul so its a chainsaw job on them
 at last its cleared
the far end will be filled up with the next two smaller trees that need dragging out of the dip where the stream is.
The new fatball feeder looks like its a success even though the magpies are still having a go.  I ordered a peanut feeder as well but got the sunflower feeder delivered instead.  on explaining this to the supplier they are going to send out the correct one and have said i can keep the other as well.  I'm intending then to hang up all three which will mean re-jigging the whole system as well as movingv the camera back a little
The bunting is up and even LM approves


The Express headline says it all As it predicts the Brexit camp to win 05:45 now and with only 19 results still to be counted its looking like 52% to 49% to Leave.  On the Express website they have picked up on the "Independence day" theme - - - The PM is in trouble now more than ever before - - - time to go? - - - 
On an amusing note the front of Bild newspaper in Germany says they will even recognise the 1966 World cup controversial goal if we Remain in the EU - - - sorry guys ! - - - and by the way, We never doubted the goal anyway! - - - 
06:15 now and its official that the Brexit camp have won the Refrendum - - - I'm surprised the Welsh voted to leave.  The Scots predictably were in the remain camp.  The figures at the moment are 52% voted to leave 48% to remain and the turnout was 72% - - - We just now need the leaders in place to have the balls to ride out the coming storm 

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