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Tuesday 28 June 2016

Time to do the "er" walk - - - & - - - Political mugshots on the front pages

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Lots of rain on the Netweather display for us later in the day methinks
 A double figure temp and a slight breeze at the moment
The weathercam has a bit of a grey outlook after an earlier blue sky.  Forecasters are looking at the cloud getting heavier and producing rain before mid afternoon
after logging the other day Sally snapped this photo of me slogging it back up the hill to the farm with my current work area to the left of the beige coloured field - - - great training!

On the route back from shopping the other day and driving through Baslow we talked about doing one of our favourite walks.  Yesterday with the sun shining and a gentle breeze we set off
We park at the edge of the village on the West side of the river and the walk starts by threading its way between the houses up this narrow footpath - - - nice honeysuckle  
 after a 100m or so we can see the gate to the open fileds
 as soon as we get into the fields the views all around change constantly and get better as you progress - - - Curber edge & Froggatt edge in the distance
 the "er" which can be seen from Chatsworth Hunting Lodge
 Chatsworth off in the distance
 the first 40 mins is all gently rising and the dales looke great as you get higher
 we spot a huge Polyporus Squamosus on a tree by the side of the road.  Unfortunately it might be the tree's demise.  Just under its left edge you can see a green painted spot probably indicating the tree has to come down.
 at the highest point of the walk we turn North and walk through the edge of a wood.  Looking over the wall we see Chatsworth again
 We spot a number of these brown butterfly's and looking in the book when we get back home discover they are "Speckled  Wood's "
 in a break in the wood there is a commemorative bench looking off South West towards Monsal Head.  We decide this will be an ideal place for a picnic! funnily enough yesterday we are so high up (200m) the wind is blowing a gale
 At the end of the forest we hit the single track road on the leeward side of the hill out of the wind.  Here's the view over Bramley Dale once again towards Chatsworth
 Sally gets some shots too
 looking back up up Bramley Dale we can see the "er"
off the hills now and walking along the valley bottom this dappled shaded road is just outside Bubnell'  We notice there are lots of leaves on the ground from the strong winds overnight

just down from the wier is this old house that probably was a mill years ago
just about full circle from the footpath between the houses, this Chatsworth owned house has a lovley old fashioned garden
back home the Collared Doves dont mind the new position of the feeder tray
neither does this Magpie - - - He still goes after the fatballs! the Jackdaws look to be figuring out how to resolve the new feeders and are conspicuous by their absence at the moment
 we finally admit defeat with the old garden seat we use to sit and watch the fish on
a new one with an aluminium frame is installed and tested in the afternoon sunshine


The brexit fallout continues and looks like it will for some time.  Cliff's back at Wimbledon and smiling and England get a kicking from Iceland - - - who? 

the front pages are full of the political turmoil at the moment, and its all getting a little tedious so here are some short comments on the three below 
Mmmmm, not so sure 

Definitely,  never liked him - - - "Never trust a man with a beard", which in light of the "current trend" might sound a little trite so lets change it, "never trust a politician with a beard"  

again "Definitely" all this financial storm just lets the city boys earn extra bonus.   

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