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Wednesday 1 June 2016

I almost lose some of my stash - - - & - - - The upcoming referendum looks to be flawed - big time!

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
the road camera i use to check the weather in Finland OK OK geeky i know! is at last pointing back to its original position after pointing mainly at the sky for the last couple of weeks!
The Netweather display has some rain leftover from yesterday phenomenon!  The European weather feature that threatened us never really developed into much yesterday although people further South than us might not think so.  I watched it moving ever so slowly towards us and around mid afternoon it did begin to rain but not heavily.  The band of rain hung around for a while then receded South East  and about 18:30 i think that's what's showing on the display now, still in an almost static position.

 The Temp is only just at double figures, might need another fire later ! lol
The weahrercam view is a tad on the grey side this morning.  The wind is still coming form the North so no respite from the chill just yet.  The overcast sky looks set to be the same for the day i reckon.  Forecasters are leaning toward a drizzly day, good call!
With the weather set to change yesterday I rushed off for a couple of hours logging and forgot to take along either phone or camera! 
I decided to make a start on the stuff we dragged over the stream and managed to reduce the branches and the 2 smaller bits of trunk to firewood.  The shape of this pile is not going to be square after the difficulty with the corners on the last small pile.  I'm going for long sausage shape but stacked neatly rather than just a jumble. 
It was quite breezy, ideal conditions to burn a pile of brashings. So after getting the sausage shaped tack going i determined to get rid of the pile next to the stash at left in this photo.  I peeled off the plastic from the top of the stash stuck a bag of old papers and some petrol for good measure in the bottom of the pile and torched it.  It started Ok but me lighting the thing was then the signal for a huge gust of wind that lasted a minute or two.  The whole pile was enveloped in flame and I could see the very end of the stash getting singed.  Fingers crossed and thinking I might have to collapse the stash to stop it getting completely enveloped suddenly the wind dropped to nothing and a conflagration of my hard work was avoided.  Dampening the end of the stash down I made a mental note not to have both stash and brashings so close! 
Returning home we were soon in the promised rain although it didnt last too long but determined to do some book work i set to answering the e mails that my requests for permission to include peoples names and photos in my book had generated.  During the course of the task i developed  a bit of e mail ping pong between a couple of ex colleagues and at days end I was glad I did. One in particular exposed a "comedy of errors" in one particular incident, i had recalled in the book.  The resultant incidents sketch map and narrative from the owner is the first time it has seen the light of day for over 40 years!  I shall be correcting the book shortly! 
Its the 1st of June today, even though we did fire up the log burner last night!  English weather.  I made a quick tour of the blustery garden in the dawn to record the scene there
 the pear is revelling in its new position, it was in a bit of a corner previously and will be transplanted on the terrace above the pond in the winter
 the 2 tubs of pansies, viola actually, are flourishing and look set to overflow any minute 
 the ferns in front of the box hedge are now at their best 
 and the Azalea loves its new spot, it was previously in a pot but its roots looked to have stopped growing?   
we chopped down the plum tree last year because the leaves always developed the scourge that affects the plum by wilting and turning brown.  We have decided to give it another chance and incorporate it into the screen of bushes on the Northern side of the top pergola - - - 


More ammunition for the Brexit camp  as the scale of the migrant trafficking across the channel is exposed.  Well, exposed is a bit wide of the mark, this has been going on for ages and no matter if we STAY or LEAVE it should have been addressed and nipped in the bud! 
The EU referendum risks descending into a farce  as non British citizens/people are being sent postal voting cards for the LEAVE or STAY referendum.  Oh dear! - - - 

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