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Thursday 16 June 2016

We visit the National Memorial Arboretum - - - & - - - Googles Brexit prediction data map looks promising

Enjoy the day - - - Enjoy the weather 

 Scotland still has its blob of heavy rain, its really surprising how slowly these systems are moving
the local area, ringed in red, is clear at the moment but i reckon the blob in Wales will be with us late afternoon
 The familiar Temp of 12 something features again today with a bit of a breeze at the moment that might ring some changes today
The dull grey image on the weathercam does have a hint of some light in the sky and i even spotted a tiny blue bit when i looked out earlier. The forecasters are looking at a scattering of showers this morning with the prospect of heavier showers in the afternoon - - - 
Even with the dull weather yesterday we set off after the rush hour to drive the 40 miles to visit the National Memorial Arboretum 
Its something i had wanted to do since hearing about it a number of years ago 
 The size of the place is a surprise and there is still lots of noisy construction work going on.  This display has the names in chronological order of all service personnel killed since the second world war.  It didnt take long to find some old friends names 
 memorials to various campaigns and individuals are scattered liberally around the huge site 
 this one to the RAF looked particularly impressive 
 As we strolled by the river which was very high we were searching for an area we knew was tucked away at the end of one of the paths 
 We finally find it - The Allied Special Forces Grove.  Its on a strip of land next to the path that apparently no-one else wanted and is largely the work and dedication of one ex SAS Soldier so I'm told 
 strolling slowly through it i read the familiar tributes 
 photo's and dedications are scattered in a small building in the middle of the plot 
 the small building is a nice place to sit and contemplate
 A memorial bench to Lofty Large has some familiar names on the metal dedication plaque 
 one of the individual memorials is to Squadron Leader Bill Stoker a Strikemaster pilot who featured so bravely in the Battle for Mirbat back in 1972 
 there's a fitting memorial to the Cockleshell Heroes of WWII fame 
Its a very soggy day as we tear ourselves away from the Special Forces Grove and meander our way back to the entrance 
 This memorial to the WRENS is particularly striking 
 Sally is still in as reflective mood as we join the largely "old folk" for some refreshment.  
 Sally spots a howler error behind me about a remembrance celebration coming soon where there will be  "Hurricane and Squirrel flypasts"  love to see that 
Leaving the site i notice the huge metal barriers at the entrance - - - to keep out unwanted travellers i presume 
We make a promise to visit again this year when hopefully the place is a little drier! A good time we decide, will be in Autumn when the trees will have some lovely colours.  We also make a mental note to bring our own refreshments to enjoy amongst the various groves gardens and memorials.  The cafe is simple the fayre is limited, the staff are fine but £6 each for a small baguette and a couple of green leaves passing as a salad is "a tad overpriced" 


 More Brexit rhetoric on the Express front page but this article on what we would do the first 100 days after a Brexit success is interesting 
this article  based on Google Data is meant to portray, in red, the areas where Brexit is the popular vote - - - hope - - - I can only hope 
Another load of reasons we should quit the EU is in this story from the mail about a lorry stopped in London with its cargo of migrants.  Leave or stay finding these people and sending them back to whence they came should be a bigger priority than it is now - - - 

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