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Monday 13 June 2016

We have Tomatoes - - - & - - - HM has a Mall party as Chris Froome wins Criterium de Dauphine a 3rd time

Enjoy the day - - - Enjoy the weather 

 A similar view to yesterday on the Netweather rain radar for the whole of the UK with the very slow moving rain clouds moving in from the Atlantic
locally we will have the odd shower until late afternoon when the serious stuff looks to be coming our way to drench us in the evening 
 another humid day ahead for us, the garden and the fish dont mind it though 
Another great view of the mist clinging to the hills in the valley, it will be lunchtime i favour before it clears.  Rain is forecast for much of the day.  I think it might be well after dark that any significant amounts of rain will fall
With yesterdays forecast pointing at rain which arrived late afternoon we had a potter in the garden.  Sally's daily attention to watering and weeding is paying off and as we approach the Summer Solstice,  can you believe its only a week away!, the garden is looking spick and span 
 I'm looking after the greenhouse stuff and the tomatoes are particularly rewarding just now with the fruits appearing almost on a daily basis 
 This pepper is looking a little leggy so it was potted on into a larger pot yesterday 
our initial disappointment with the seeded peas which only gave us the largest one at right in this shot has been sorted by some from the garden centre .  The plant at back left is a solitary bean
I managed to get a couple of the original seeds to germinate and they too were potted on yesterday but i think i will keep them in the greenhouse rather than plant them out. 
The Team Sky rider Chris Froome wins the  Criterium du Dauphine for the third time and reporters are quick to point out that on the previous two occasions he has gone on to win the Tour de France. This year Le Tour begins on the 2nd of July - - - 


The story behind the banner headline in the Express this morning makes grisly reading and the PM gets a roasting over his EU pension threat.  The picture of HM cruising down the mall at what was described as The biggest party ever  was an unqualified success.  Inside the paper the Brexit camp gets a boost in the latest opinion polls with a 19 point lead in one of them 
I have followed this case with interest over the past few years and Its looking likely that the Pistorious case will end soon  Prosecutors are pushing for a hard sentence which could be 15 to 20 years. His defence team is hoping to include time served and his alleged remorse over the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Stennkamp in Feb 2013 to reduce the time he will be in jail.  - - - 

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