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Saturday 4 June 2016

Woolly hat one day, sun tan cream the next! - - - & - - - Ali dies after a respiratory problem

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
The Netweather rain display does not have a rain cloud on it this morning so I'll dispense with that.
 Really up in double figure Temps this morning at a warm 14.1c
It's quite misty in the valley at the moment and the sky is quite overcast.  The forecast for the day leans toward a top Temp of 19c and no rain but the cloudy conditions look to be a feature to stay with us
All change with the weather yesterday so it was off for a bit of logging in the morning
 I took Boris down to the stash to collect another load of firewood. I noticed that the ground which had been covered by the wood for at least 2 years had lots of  little green seedlings sprouting.  Resilient or what!
 I set about sawing up the limbs and stacking them before having a go at the rounds
 I thought it funny that the previous day i wore a woolly hat, today its sun tan cream that's needed
 it doesn't take long to make the stack a little larger
 Boris enjoy's the sunshine
 time to pack up for today, it'll be on to the long bits of trunk next
having seen the Jackdaws devouring all the food in the video's i posted yesterday I decided to re-design the feeder area.  One aim was to stop the feeders swinging around so much, they trigger the recording on one of the cameras using Motion Detection.  That was pretty simple, i just pushed the peanut and sunflower feeders back against the fence.  I removed the piece of wood that the Jackdaws used to stand on to get at all the food.  The wood also had the small tray for the Robin mix and seeds on.  to replace the tray I put an upturned plastic lid on the top of the bracket holding the peanut feeder.  The fat ball feeder i clipped to shorten it and just need to secure it to stop it swinging about.  Thats it - - - I thought!
Sitting back and watching on the cameras it soon became apparent my plastic lid was not rigid enough ! - - -
One of the local cats gives the new design the once over !
This clip is from this morning and the fat ball is still there so that's a plus at least the positioning means the jackdaws dont have such an easy time of it.  This Magpie is trying his best though
finally another from a few minutes ago - - The Jackdaws are not about to give up just yet
LM is going about his business as usual, out all night on the hunt and just tucking into breakfast before sleeping most of the day.  The rather dirty black feet indicate he has been digging for something, probably rabbits during the night! - - -
The strange anomaly of the disappearing images on the webserver has not gone away, I looked first thing this morning and they have once again all gone apart from the ones that update themselves every minute.  Its all rather confusing but its not beyond the bounds of possibility that it has been hacked i suppose -  - -


A rather dramatic headline for the Express this morning attributable to Mr Farage He claims that if 5 of the 18 Albanians who arrived on our shores by rubber boat the other day are given asylum it will trigger a wave of further attempts with "drownings and bodies washed up on Kent beaches all summer" - - - 
I have just spotted an inclusion at 05:30 that Muhammad Ali has died at age 74 he had not been well with a respiratory problem and was hospitalised earlier in the week.  -  -- 

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