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Friday 17 June 2016

Logging withdrawal symptoms alleviated - - - & - - - It might be "Goodbye Dave" soon

Enjoy the day - - - Enjoy the weather 

 The Netweather radar view makes you think that Scotland is finally ridding itself of the blob of rain it has been enduring.  No chance of that because the animation view shows it moving from N to S
locally the overnight rain is also moving away and for the time being we are rainless!
 Another 12c something start and the slight breeze we had yesterday is still with us.  Late afternoon yesterday i actually saw some blue sky and sunshine for a short while!
No chance of viewing the sunshine on the weathercam this morning, lots of cloud and a hint of mist still in the valley.  We have the usual forecast of cloud and rain at almost anytime for today

Suffering Logging withdrawal symptoms yesterday i dubbined up my boots donned my Ex Army waterproof and set out for the "Gym"
As i looked down into the valley the mist was still about and everything looked sodden 
 undeterred i slid my way down to the site and ignoring the final pieces of the base of the trunk i cut up nearly a week ago i set my sights on these large branches
 the new stash looked pretty wet too.  I wouldnt normally cover up the wood until Autumn but considered it an option yesterday
 it didnt take long to get a couple of layers on the outside wall of the stash

 it began to rain a little and i had been at it over 2 hours so thought it time to retreat
 not a bad addition to the stash i thought as i recovered a bit of plastic  tucked under the edge of the square stash not far away
 it didn't quite cover it but its better than leaving the whole thing open to the elements at the moment

Arriving home the clouds had thinned a little so it was time to have a look round the garden which Sally had been tending while i was away
 LM joins us
 we are trying to grow these small self seeded trees that we have found in the garden as a screen to the open North side of the top pergola, they are doing quite well this year and will need trimming back soon
 with all the rain Sally wondered if the Iris blooms would suffer but they appear unharmed.  We took these out of a previous pond and were surprised when they grew in the garden soil, its taken them a number of years to get to flower but they are great now
 the lupins are looking pretty good as well
 the pot with the peas and solitary bean in looks all set to give up some bounty later in the summer
The ferns are relishing all the rain 
 Self seeded nasturtiums are all over the garden
 In the old Daffodil bed they will help to keep the weeds down right through until the first frosts
the bits of laurel i just stuck in the ground looked to have died off but i noticed that the new growth on each of the twigs appears to be still growing .
Drinking our tea we watched as no end of bees and hover fly's kept landing on the laurel leaves of the hedge.  Not being able to figure out why i googled a question about it.  The answer is that the younger laurel leaves have a "Floral Nectary" at their base which exudes nectar - - - tadaa!
i put a piece of wood to the left of the peanut feeder thinking it might stop the Jackdaws from flying onto the feeder from that side.  Sat watching the webcam yesterday i noticed that they are hanging onto the edge of the wood to get at the peanuts now - - - another tack is required methinks - - -


Sir Cliff is relegated to the banner headline with his abuse case dropped, while the Express concentrates on the senseless killing of Jo Cox - - - 
inside the paper This story is titled "Goodbye Dave?  Bookmakers slash odd on Cameron quitting within the next two weeks" all this speculation is fuelled by Brexit surges in various poll - - - fingers crossed - - - 

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