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Monday 27 June 2016

No rain today - - hopefully - - - & - - - The Brexit Storm and fallout shows no sign of abating just yet

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Nationally there's not much on the display this morning 
locally the blob to our NW was quite significant an hour ago but is dissipating the closer it gets to the hills and us
 a nice warm start with a brisk NW breeze at the moment trying to cool things down
the weathercam has a mixed bag view with some heavy looking clouds scudding across the sky and the early morning sunshine bathing the W side of the valley.  Forecasters on the whole elect for a dry windy day, top temp predictions range from 13 to 19c


The Express has a story where MP's might try to stop the brexit going through - - - surely if they do its time for a revolution in British politics! Elsewhere there are calls for Corbyn to resign  , the Czech foreign minister is even calling for Junker to resign branding him "not the right person" to be President of the EU Commission.  Another story relates that the originator of the petition to have another referendum was started over a month ago because he imagined the "Remain" group winning! 
The petition though has even descended into farce because it is investigated for fraud due to signatures from on British residents - - - oh dear - - - 
You learn something everyday - - - if you care to look 
I have always thought it was the seeds in Chillis that were hottest but not so says this article its the "Capsaicin" a colourless odourless substance found on the inside membranes of the chilli pepper. 
On a serious not though (?!)
Something to concentrate the mind from all this Brexit smoke and mirrors Wimbledon 2016 starts today!!!!!

Even better The Tour de France 2016  starts Sunday 2nd July until Sunday 34th.  


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