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Thursday 9 June 2016

Very humid at "the gym" - - - & - - - EU referendum "rigging"

Enjoy the day - - - Enjoy the weather 
Not a great deal showing on the Netweather radar this morning.
 Double figures again but a little cooler than yesterday
the weathercam shows a hint of mist in the valley.  Forecasters are looking at a similar day to yesterday.  It will be hot with some cloud and the possibility of a shower in the afternoon. Although it did cloud up a lot yesterday afternoon and the clouds looked menacing, we got a little rumble of thunder but didnt get any rain
this is a shot from a road camera in Finland, its one I look at each morning  sad i know! .  Its gone "walkabout" again because it should be looking at a roundabout.  Looks like it might be sleet or snowing!
Having stuff to do yesterday morning other than "the gym" i decided to do my Round Robin walk
Looking at my photo archive i realised it was the end of April that i did it last
 Obviously the undergrowth has come on a lot since April! looking NW towards Peak Tor
 The young lambs I had shots of back then have grown
Near the top of the hill the pond is remarkably clear, I imagined it to have a bit of a green hue
 The logging in the forest which i assumed had been terminated during winter has not resumed.  I could see where some work on the track they made from the footpath but that was it
the view from the top of the golf course is as stunning as ever and with all the summer growth still in its new colours quite striking
 coming down the hill the view South down the valley has a bit of a "blue mountain hue" lol look about it, not quite showing on this photo though
 The multi million £ cycle track shows no progress through the boggy bit which i was informed by the workers was scheduled to be complete by the end of July - - - still a little time to go though to be fair
 this "goosander"  had to look it up, looked really cute with its brood of seven little gosling's cruising up the Derwent close to where it joins the Wye
 the view NW across the fields and on up towards haddon has another "Blue mountain hue" to it
 My patch of wild garlic Ransom study area is nearly gone as the canopy strangles the light reaching the forest floor.  Soon it will just be a dry brown patch
 finally i had to go down the river bank a little to get a view across to the fields is almost overgrown
Bits done for the morning it was time to go to "the Gym"
 I first loaded up Boris with some wood to take home then set about a couple of bits of trunk to make them into rounds ready for smashing.  Although its a bit overcast its quite hot and the humidity is way up there
 the final piece of trunk is well over 2 feet across and will take some time to reduce to firewood
 I start on what i think is an easy round but the knots make it a tough job and i finish up having to walk around it chipping off chunks then having a second go at them to produce small enough pieces to stack
 having assessed the amount of wood left i decide to close off the end of the stash
 a gruelling hour and a half later i have managed to add a couple of layers
having downed two thirds of the water I brought with me in the effort to produce firewood I decide that 4 rounds is enough for today.  I might start really early on Friday so its not too hot a job for the other 4 - - -
The Jackdaws continue to raid the feeders and this one is certainly not giving up on the fatballs - - - 


The EU run up continues to dominate the front page.  The recent crashing of the voting registration website and now a continuation of the deadline for registration prompts the "rig" headline above - - -

I always have a wry smile when i see the adverts on TV for these meal kits  I cant imagine why they are so popular especially at the prices.  Not that i know the prices but when the advert says £15 off your first order - - - you get what i mean - - - ah well for the originators of these things, they must be laughing all the way to the bank! - - -

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