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Friday 1 July 2016

A Blurry day yesterday - - - & - - - 24 hours in politics is a long time

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

 Its a scattered showery picture for the UK at the moment.  That line of heavy rain on western Ireland is just forming up so it could cause problems later today
locally we had some rain around 04:30 and the next batch of showers approaching Manchester look set for us around 08:30 ish
We have had a double figure Temp all night and the 12.9c now looks promising for the day  
the weathercam seaweed looks loaded with water from the recent rain but there are some blue patches around.  The only optimistic approach to today's forecast comes from Metcheck with a few sunshine symbols dotted between the showery ones.  The Met O has a bullish approach indicating a heavy thundery shower day all the time after 12:00 - - - The metcheck "discussion" on the next 7 days weather holds little in the way of any significant change
Heres hoping the start of the Tour de France tomorrow will herald some sunny days soon!

Yesterday dawned with a half decent prospect of some dry weather in the morning at least.  We changed out itinerary for the day to suit.  Moving the trees out from the stream area is something i wanted to do get done so off we went
doh! remembering to change the "macro" setting on the camera would have been a good idea!  The job was completed, the trees are by the stash behind Boris so its time for lunch out
still set on macro as i take a photo from the car park.  Sitting outside we did get a little sunshine and i cadged two of the now redundant aluminium chairs from the landlady for the garden!
just walking down to the post box early yesterday i spotted these huge Boletus on a neighbours lawn.  The one on the right is almost a foot across.  The slugs are having a whale of a time trying to eat it

 Its the FIRST OF JULY! as i readjust the camera
 and snap a couple of photos of a soggy garden after the overnight rain !


The banners have HM at the Somme vigil and Corbyn with "Foot in mouth Disease"
Just to prove that "24 hours in politics is a long time" Boris steps down from the "next PM race" as Gove and others make their play - - - 
Elsewhere in the Express the lady from Scotland gets that smug grin wiped off her face by being told she wont get a special deal to join the EU and Hungary joins the list of 
The i tells the story of Boris's climb down - - -
and the Mirror claims he "betrayed Britain" maybe they think all that voted for Brexit should also come under that banner - - - 

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