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Tuesday 26 July 2016

Pipes calm down a bit - - - & - - - Brexit - - Just Get On With It!

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Not much rain about nationally on the Netweather.TV display.  Locally there's a number of light shower blobs but they keep fading before they reach us as they move in the direction of the arrow .
 Nice and warm already this morning
the weathercam has a bit of a cloudy aspect just now but they are quite high and thin at the moment.
 Once again the forecasters are indicating it might rain.  More confidence is pointing at a pretty humid muggy day later on into the afternoon

 the lily at the very top of the garden is having a further flush of blooms
and this mallow is showing off its own light pink flowers with lots more to come
with a book day on the cards yesterday it was time to look for some inspiration 
Along the multi million £ cycle track and looking off to the SW the Nine Ladies hill looks pretty good  
 the grass in the hillside fields looks slightly parched and in  need of some rain
 this is one of the fields that looked like a mud patch through last winter due to it being sewn with winter root crop food for the sheep - - - none of that this tear - - -
 now this made me laugh! - - - the sign tacked to the tree says "Beware Overhead Cables" in all its Health and Safety" glory - - - it wouldn't be so bad if there was a road where I'm standing but this is on the edge of a field - - -
 this is one of those places where you can just stand and look at whats going on all around you
 difficult to see but there's a jet black rabbit right in the centre of the photo just about to go into the bushes on the edge of the field.  I had already seen two others as I was walking down by the railway line earlier

 the tree that is in the river but still attached to the bank is in full leaf i wonder if the Autumn/Winter weather will dislodge it this year ?
finishing off with a peek through the trees onto the meadow i scurry inside to get on with the book.
Partial success on the stopping of the rattling pipes which after the fitting of this grey lagging are now just a dull thud.  The battle will continue when i purchase more pipe cladding and work my way back towards the bit above my head - - -


The banners let us know the Express costs just 10p, you can get a free £2 bet at Goodwood, Daily walks are good for you and that Luxury Dream Lodge Holiday is still up for grabs 
 The main story is rather dull because its telling 52% of us that we should get out of the EU and stop listening to all the rhetoric from Brussels - - - that 52% already voted to do this! .  Another story shared on the front page of other papers is Harry's regret over not talking about his mothers death - - - 
The Mail banners jumps on the health bandwagon and tells us it has a series to beat "Back pain forever" - - - 
The Mail main story is about the former BHS empire and the alleged dirty money made by city firms on the doomed sale of the company.  They are being urged to hand it back so it can be paid to the thousands of out of work former employees  - - - yeah like thats going to happen! - - - 

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