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Sunday 3 July 2016

Publish! the decision is made - - - & - - - Politicians are Psychopaths & Hypocrites according to the Express

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

 Nationally its a bright picture except for Scotland
Locally no problems except for a small blob North of  Manchester well it rains in Manchester all the time doesn't it? 
Local stats right now
a bit on the cool side with the less than double figure Temp and we recorded nearly 4mm of rain yesterday
 the sun is well down the Western side of the valley so the Temp should start to rise soon
Time for a walk the other day looking for direction about publishing the book, A quick Round Robin might do the trick 
 Looking South down the valley quite cloudy 
 off to the NW less so  
 puffing up the hill and almost at the highest point i ponder the view across to the Nine Ladies hill no inspiration there though 
 very tranquil overlooking the pond and off up towards Bakewell  
 no more work in the forest i wonder why.  The stuff they cut down last year is just stacked down the hill 
 Another spot for a pause overlooking the golf course and once again up the valley to Bakewell  
 a brief patch of sunshine over near Peak Tor "shows me the light" i really should just get on and publish  
 the uncut grass is quite long here it might only be early July but summer is flying by agriculturally  
 the pathway is almost overgrown  
 Ah ha! the promised elevated cycle path over the "boggy bit" is taking shape.  In conversation with one of the workmen some time ago he said the end of July would see it done  
 unable to resist it i climb on and walk its length and yes there will be a fence i discover.  The base material appears to be aluminium with a not too effective non slip covering.  I wouldn't like to ride a bike on it in the wet.  Maybe its going to be covered with something else once its finished? 
 Once again the sun streaming through the tree's is appealing to me  i really should just get on and publish !!
 the river looks a little high from the recent rain 
 the ransoms now strangled from their light by the foliage of the larger trees above have been reduced to single flowerless stems rapidly completing their cycle for next years growth 
 the stream outfall is still showing and i spot a whole family, duck, drake and well grown ducklings disappearing from my view downstream    
a final view across the river before returning home, No more indecision, get it published - - - just do it 

The banners on the Express urge us to by a retro briefcase for a smidge under £40 and there's an offer of a huge discount on a can of paint from B&Q Mmmmmm maybe not 
The Queen is appealing for calm  says the main headline.  She's talking to the Scottish parliament at the time, i wonder how many of the MP's were listening 
Everything will be fine after Brexit says ex beatle Ringo hardly a ringing endorsement but yes "it will!"
Gove gets a caning in the Mail but to brand him a "Political Psychopath would, i think be ideal qualifications for an MP and even more so for a PM - - - lower down the page Andrea Leadsom gets blasted for "changing her mind" on Brexit.  She is branded a HYPOCRITE another excellent quality Tory leadership - - - 

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