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Thursday 28 July 2016

The book is about done! - - - & - - - Business is booming after Brexit vote

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

 the Netweather.TV display has a big blob of rain coming ashore just now but the direction its travelling is indicating it will pass well to the North of us
locally, we are clear at the moment and unless the stuff out to the west forms up we might only get light showers later
 just into double figures on the Temp this morning which is cool after the last few days, no breeze to speak of right now
Quite a cloudy start to the weathercam view but they are thin and not threatening rain just yet.  Weather forecasters for today are split about whats going to happen.  Met O are convincing us it will rain heavily while Metcheck are more conservative and only give chance of any heavy rain mid afternoon 
 managed a whole day, just about on the book yesterday and it has to be said that apart from corrections to the kindle formatted copy THE BOOK IS DONE! 
Red sky in the morning and all that 
this was taken about 05:20  
 with some great illumination of the low cloud form the rising sun  
 lets hope the red sky rhyme is incorrect today 
and one from the weathercam at the same time 


There's still a free Goodwood bet on the banners joined by another cure for Alzheimer's - - - 
 the main headline is about how the UK economy is already bouncing back after the doom and gloom of the remainers following the referendum.  OK you can make a story say anything but some of the facts in the article ring true - - - 
A rather more worrying story about terror suspects graces the Mail front page 

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