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Wednesday 5 October 2016

White edge walk yesterday - Deer everywhere - - - & - - - More TPC rhetoric

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

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There's not a rain drop on the radar display this morning so its looking like a good washing day! ]
back up to double figure Temps again this morning and its looking like the rest of the week might be similar.

 update 06:55
the weathercam view is as expected showing quite a lot of cloud which should thin during the day
todays weather forecast :  Forecasters agree that it will be a warm breezy sunny day with variable amounts of cloud but no rain.

Hurricane Mathew  has had a go at Haiti and is now heading for Florida and South Carolina coastlines.  It is said 1 million people might have to be evacuated along these coasts.  Deaths resulting from the storm are  at 11 so far.
Yesterday i determined to do a different walk in the morning so set off for Froggatt edge just after 08:30
The forecast mentioned widespread fog but there was none at home, up at the car park on the edge it was a different story 
 i clambered straight up the hillside form the car park with the viz around 300m
 even as i got a little higher the fog was clearing
 by the time i reached the edge the valley bottom was coming into view
up at the top end of my walk near to The Grouse pub i crossed the road and set off across the fields to the white edge for the return journey.  I heard what i thought was a cow but it would soon materialise into a red deer stag - - - it is rutting time
 with the pub down below me and the commuters getting about their business the stag noises became more eveident
 just before this shot i looked up and 5 or 6 metres in front of me was a stag about to break cover and cross the path.  Unable to get the camera up to take a shot quick enough he shot back down the hill a little.  The stag in the picture is a little lower down looking on and making the appropriate noises

there then followed a period of hide and seek with the stag below me moving along in the ferns every time i spotted him.  Here his hindquarters are just visible to the right of the tree and one antler can be seen poking above the ferns 
finally i see him again and get a clear photo of him heading away from me just to the left of the tree 
fait and square in the middle of this shot he gives me his "we are not amused" look before bounding away to hide behind the round bush behind him - - - a great encounter 
 eagle eyed but getting on with my walk now i spot another stag on the edge of the ferns further on
and another watches me from the open grassland above me.  By now the stag roars are coming from everywhere around me. 
OK last stag photo! i see juvenile stag in the ferns and quickly take a shot not noticing the stag with the large antlers in the foreground! 
as i gain the end of White Edge the sun finally breaks through 
 and i enjoy it as i make my way back off the moor
back at the car park the view is back to normal with everything laid out before me 


I need to dust off my esspresso machine after the Express banner tells us 3 cups of coffee can fight off dementia - - I think i might give the £62.99 mixer a miss though 
 More rallying rhetoric from the TPC as TM the PM saysd we won't grovel to Brussels - - - !!! 
the home secretary carries on the crusade proclaiming British Jobs for British workers, - - - now that will take some enforcing. 
and the telegraph runs the flag up the pole with a quote from TM that "it is wrong to sneer at patriotism - - - cue the flag wavers! sorry was i sneering there? 

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