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Friday 7 October 2016

Book promotion sparks amusing e mail ping pong - - & - - Seconds out! for UKIP euro MP's

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Dont forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
There are a few showers about this morning on the radar display.  The most significant thing about them is that they are coming from the East which we have not seen any weather coming form that direction in a while.
The temp is just nudging past double figures and its raining right now.  It cant have been going on for long as both the 1 hour and 24 hour stats figures are the same
Weathercam update 07:10 
Heres a great shot from the weathercam just now.  Its still raining and the rain is hanging onto the usual nightly spun spiders web.  The other side of the valley is wreathed in mist and clouds, quite dramatic - - -
Todays local weather:  The Met O know its raining now but say it should stop around 09:00 the cloud will break up and give some sunshine before closing in again towards 18:00 where the showers will return for a while.  Metcheck has the possibility of light rain throughout the period 06:00 to 18:00.  They see more cloud that the Met O but it will clear a little 15:00 to 17:00 before clouding over in the evening with a greater possibility of showers. - - -

I was contacting a load of old friends on e mail yesterday letting them know about the book (above) and the afternoon turned into a bit of an e mail ping pong session which was quite nice.  I had intended to de-commision the largest pond pump and filter but i think i'll leave it working a little longer, Metcheck are forecasting sunshine for the next week! - - - dont you just love an optimistic approach to forecasting the weather - - -
Towards the end of the afternoon i resurrected my old desktop PC because i have a plan to use it as a security camera platform.  I have noticed that the system i use now is great in the daytime but even with the pretty good IR illumination at night you would be hard pushed to really recognize who might be on your property up to no good.  The plan is to use motion triggered LED lights and then let the ordinary cameras pick up the action - - -
Today its started off wet but the itinerary has a challenge for me as well as the more mundane trip to Chesterfield shopping! - - -
As if we needed anymore proof that winter is just around the corner this shot from the weathercam at 17:30 yesterday shows the sun on its way out of the valley well past the Equinox spot on the horizon which is just about the right edge of the photo.
LM is bringing in the odd mouse again but he, as yet has not managed to catch the one on the seed tray bird feeder in this photo i spotted again this morning . - -  - 
the banners have one of those lists, Top 50 moments that make us smile, that you think you might lose the will to live before reaching number 1 and a warning that we need more schools because of migrants - - -  dont go there - - - 
 A boost to savers trumpets the main headline but your eye is taken by the UKIP euro mp photo on the right ! - - - Seconds out!
The Mirror has the same euro MP on the deck but it interesting that Sir Cliff is now suing the BBC and Police over the alleged child sex allegations and his televised house search - - -
In the US Hurricane Matthew is set to hit the coast today although it is hoped it might shear off to the north as it hits land - - -

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