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Friday 21 October 2016

Greenhouse news - - - & - - - Pedals the bear is killed by a hunter

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
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http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
There isn't much to show on the rain radar this morning indicating it might be another fine day - -
 It is noticeably cooler today at just 4.4c and the breeze if it keeps up will make it feel even cooler until the sun warms things up
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The light is up enough for the weathercam to make out that the Western sky is clear of cloud.  Over to the East there is a little cloud but its quite high and thin so hopefully won't affect the sun warming things up when it rises shortly. - - -
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Local Weather today:
The Met O warns of some early mist which once it clears will leave us with a dry and sunny day.  XC weather have a similar forecast with cloud at first clearing to give a sunny afternoon.  Top Temp from both is only going to be 10 or 11c - - -
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My neighbour told me a couple of months ago that he would remove his fence which has its posts on our land and re-erect a smaller one on his own patch.    The posts on our land has been a bone of contention for almost 3 years.
After it was almost blown over by the winter storms i put up a barrier to stop it blowing back onto our laurels
 deciding that the fence would not have a 3rd Anniversary in dispute i dug out the posts yesterday
it weighs a ton being made out of  ordinary wood and not fencing panels which started its demise, in the winter winds.  After getting it down i struggled to drag it clear of our land and put a piece of black plastic up to stop the grass and weeds getting under our laurels.  Our neighbour was home for lunch so i told him what i had done and he wasn't concerned and reiterated his intention to erect the smaller fence  - - - The bone is buried - - -
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I baited the Rat problem greenhouse with some trepidation yesterday.  Its a bit of a drastic move but i dont want them to start infesting the garden.  There's an old saying that "you are never more than 10ft from a rat" but when you know they are there its time to do something about it.  I am taking precautions not to let anything else get at the bait if i can help it.
 In the other greenhouse at the bottom of the garden the closeted plants i put in there are enjoying the Autumn sunshine.  I just need to keep an eye on the watering situation until winter sets in - - -
the laurel cuttings are not looking too bad although one in the open pot at left has definitely died having drooped over.  I will take off the plastic bags from 3 of the covered pots in another 10 days. I introduced a fourth pot after noticing the bushes looking like they were still growing and this one is due to be uncovered around the 10th Nov - - - fingers crossed
 The light was particularly good when i was in the garden yesterday so i fired off a few shots
 The trees above the laurels are once again showing off their Autumn colours .I was unable to carry on enjoying the sunshine because i had a short shift at the ATA - - - hey ho maybe today - -
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From the BBC this story  about a fin whale washing up on a Norfolk beach is rather sad.  The story also mentions that 30 sperm whales have died in the North Sea this year
Another story from the BBC is that "Pedals" a bear in New Jersey has been killed by a hunter with a bow and arrow in the week long hunting season.  The bear had become famous for walking in its hind legs.  It is though it did this because it had maimed front legs.  The bear had its own Facebook page with 20,000 followers.  Since the bears death the page has been deactivated - - -
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