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Thursday 13 October 2016

A tour round the garden LM in attendance - - - & - - - Fiennes wants to go to the Antarctic - - - let him go

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
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http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
We are still with the Eastern flow of weather as can be seen from the arrows i have added to the display rain will be with us soon methinks
the single figure Temps this early in the day look to be a feature now and today is no exception.  It rained a couple of times yesterday and we had quite a downpour mid afternoon as the 7.2mm stat shows.
The weathercam view (now at 07:05) looks pretty grim but the rain can't be far away now
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Local Weather forecast for today : Metcheck has its usual prediction of rain between 12:00 and 18:00 after a brief period of  sunshine this morning.  The Met O has the possibility of showers this morning until 15:00 then a brief period of sunshine until 18:00 before returning to light showery weather until 21:00
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Time for a wander round the garden i said to LM "he understands every word lol" as we waved off Sally on her job interview for a local cattery.  
 I always start at the top and work down the hill on which the garden sits and LM deftly climbs up the trellis and sits on top of the pergola.  The brolly is up because i want it dry before i take it inside for the winter. It got soaked in the afternoon ! 
 he's close to the bird feeders and the Apple tree which the birds fly into to check the coast is clear before going down to the feeders.  He sits there hoping they will not notice him  ! 
 having no luck there he decides he wants an ear rub so comes across to my level
 I'm checking the camera that looks at the feeders and he decides to give me a hand.  In truth he looks like he wants to come down out of the tree but i resist the temptation to try and lift him off,  the scars when i tried last time are healed now!   
he finally bites the bullet and jumps down the 5 ft or so to the ground and bounds off under the laurel hedge 
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 the quince bush which is intertwined with our Royal Purple bush has lots of fruit on it.  Ours always seem to remain green rather than ripening off to the golden yellow 
 I have really gone to town this year to propagate some laurel cuttings but been confused by the online advice.  My original nursery advice was to do it in Sept but i then came across others that said spring etc.  These 4 cuttings in this shot, placed here a few days ago are just in open soil in the shade of a buddleia.  All but one look ok just now 
 These are yet another batch from a few days ago but they are in the greenhouse along with a few batches that are covered in plastic bags to aid  the growth of roots 
This little group are a couple of camelia that we have never had much luck with but since potting them out of the beds they have buds all over.  Putting them in the greenhouse over winter is my idea of helping them along.  The Apricot tree leaves had already started to turn so thats another reason to get that inside.  The "thing" on the right is something that has perplexed us for a number of years now.  Buying two from a reputable garden centre they have never flowered and seem to suffer in the winter.  The labels have long since been blown away so i once again thought putting one in the greenhouse over winter might be the answer.  I cant help thinking they might be some kind of house plant? 
Our beautiful deep red fragrant rose is valiantly pushing out more buds but it will all soon end in tears i fear.  Even the half open ones have been almost stopped by the recent couple of cold nights - - - 
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These 2 items caught my eye 
Tesco drop marmite in pricing row the sub headline on the "front Page" of The Times this morning made me guffaw.  No not laugh but guffaw in one of those "I don't believe it"  moments.  Of course when you look at the underlying cause its Unilever ratcheting up their prices because the money markets are giving the pound a bashing, blaming Brexit news of course.  No doubt when the City traders get their fill and take their snouts out of the trough everything will return to normal and Tesco will just be riping off its customers - -  -allegedly 
I have never warmed to Mr Fiennes and positively disliked him intensely when he portrayed the deaths of a number of colleagues as "hits" in his book "The Feathermen" .  This Mail online Story  indicates that the Foreign Office  is preventing "his group" from crossing the Antarctic in winter because there are no rescue services for 8000 miles.  This fact says the FO will cause embarrassment to the Govt if they have to rescue him - - - let him go - - - stand down the rescue teams - - -  

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