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Thursday 27 October 2016

Autumn leaves on the tracks - - - & - - - Another series of Earthquake tremors in Italy

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
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Our area looks to be clear on the rain display but the large blob just North of the Scottish mainland looks like it might give the Isles a dousing today.  
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 We have another double figure Temp right now although it did get down to 9.1c around 03:30.
the weathercam view is looking quite good with patchy cloud stopping the sun getting going 
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Local weather forecast for today: 
The Peak District Met O is looking at a cloudy day with a Max Temp of 14c.  The rain probability is at 10% most of the day dropping to 0% around 18:00. Yahoo weather also has a cloudy aspect to the day with a top Temp of 13c and 0% rain probability - - -
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Sally spotted this Mail online story  with a headline "Long cold winter of ice and blizzards with weeks of snow is set to arrive next month".  The story is genrated by a Met O source, It might be true but in the article the MEt O prediction for the period Nov 10 to 24th starts with, "The outlook for mid November remains uncertain"  Mmmmm sounds like there was a lot of room spare on the Mail onlines pages!  Its going to be mid November and normally we would expecxt it to be getting to single figures for most of a numner of days by then - - -  
Yesterday with a short shift at my ATA in the early evening I decided to take it easy during the day.  Sally decided to walk the multi million £ cycle track for a bit of exercise so i tagged along.  I have been mentioning the colours of Autumn for a while now and they are much in evidence all around us but the walk was a bit of a revelation - - - 
 the trees that hide some of the view across the river are starting to lose their leaves exposing more river and field
 we walk passed the outfall from the stream and the stones area exposed is quite large now.  I joke that we will have a hosepipe ban by January - - - it may not be a joke! - - - we need some rain
 the meadow and nearest forest echo the Autumn story
 What really does it for us both is the fact we are ankle deep in leaves as we walk the river path.  Memories of kicking them to make them fly as kids rush back
 there is still a little mist in the air off to the North West in this view of the Chatsworth hills
 A squirrel darts up a tree from the ground and as i take this rather grainy shot we see another 2, maybe a family group colection winter food we muse.  Before we get to the point where we join the cycle track for the return walk we see another 4 squirrels.  As we get to the confluence of the Derwent and Wye rivers we startle a Grey Heron fishing and it lazily takes off and disappears up the Wye.
 We pass a spot where years ago we used to see lots of earthstar mushrooms and search once again for them but have no luck and stroll back down our multi million £ cycle track
Looking for conkers under a huge tree that is by the A6 and gives a splendid show of blooms in spring.  We don't spot any and consider the local children and the squirrels have had their fill.  We do however spot on the whole tree these sticky new pods which will be next year's leaves nestling amongst this years that have yet to fall. 
We visit the local Mole Country store to buy more Rat Bait and i spot a Gilet jacket that i tried in vain to buy when we were in Canada recently! Sally scoops one up and declares it's a "Christmas present!"
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The afternoon is spent doing prep work for the bathroom project where i find that a spare kitchen fan i have is not usable in a bathroom and the shower waste that came with the shower tray is best replaced with, of course, a more "Expensive one".  All for the best i suppose.  Up in the loft the the news is good as i discover I dont need to take up most of the flooring, as i suspected to put in our new LED bathroom light.  The shower extractor fan positioning recce goes even better because where it will vent up through the ceiling just happens to be easily accessible and the flooring panel is a handy 1 foot square above it - - - result.  
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The ATA passes without incident and as i proffer one of my book advert smaller photo's to a colleague when i am leaving i recive a strange retort, "Are you a jehovah's witness then?" - - - I'm still trying to figure that one out as i cross the almost deserted car park! - - - 
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This Sky Story  covers another earthquake or series of tremors in Italy and this time Rome has felt the tremors. After the August quake in which flattened the town of Amatrice people were understandably concerned about this event.  There are no reports of death or injuries in the story at this time.  This Mail online sroey has a scary video taken inside a building of one quake 
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