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Tuesday 4 October 2016

The book is out there!! - - - & - - - More British doctors for the HHS

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
Rather strange that the blobs of rain are moving up rather than across towards the UK but there we are.
 rather warmer than yesterday and although the Bar Tendancy is toward sunshine i fear the clouds might spoil the party today
 the weathercam view shows a lot of cloud this morning but thankfully not the fog of yesterday.  The Met O tells us there is widespread fog in the Peak Park but we must be outside its parameters, after 12:00 there's a chance of windy sunny periods but little chance of any rain.  Metcheck has a similar windy cloudy day with a top Temp of 15c today - - -
this shot comes from yesterday and we were almost at lunchtime before the sun finally got to burning off the fog and mist.


Finally yesterday after adjusting the Introduction piece to my book
I uploaded the file which was accepted and processed by Kindle Direct Publishing and this morning it is available to order  .  Its been a long time in the making but at last its out there. - - -
Creepy Technology
Sally has been having problems downloading books to her Kindle Fire
and after trying the usual switch it off and then back on routine, which did not resolve the issue of not being able to download books to it she e mailed Amazon.
In fairly quick time she was in one of these online (through her pc) chats with an expert and after giving the registered number of the machine and ensuring it was online the problem was fixed in about 10 minutes.  OK its easy to understand the control of the machine by Amazon but its rather "Creepy" to think that "they" could actually watch and presumably listen to what you are doing without you knowing it ? - - -
I had a bit of a DOH! moment yesterday as i watched yet another Magpie having a go at the peanut feeder.  It struck me (DOH) that they always stand on the little seed table to get at the peanuts, so, "why dont i just move the seed table a little"
 Result! - no doubt they will discover another route but at least the peanuts are safe for now !

The banners have Cheryl finding love ? and a headmaster from a school in Cornwall has a "Nanny state" moment by banning primary school kids form running around the playground - - -
 The main story emanates from the TPC and is a promise to get more British doctors rather than rely on the foreign variety - - - good move lets hope it happens 
The Mail's main story is good news as well - - -  now get the Royal Marine Sergeant out of prison and back on duty - - - 

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