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Thursday 19 May 2016

Up and down weather - - - & - - - more Brexit propaganda

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
A large blob of rain on the Netweather display is heading ouir way but its not moving too quickly yet.  We might not see any rain until mid afternoon
 Just about on the mild side with the Temp this morning.  No wind indicated but yesterday after starting off from the South as expected it suddenly veered off to the North which was a little odd.
Another grey view this morning on the weathercam with almost 100% cloud cover.  Its looking like the rain might hold off until late afternoon if forecasters are correct
It was almost 20:30 before the sun made an appearance yesterday and it was almost out of the valley by then.  I thought this shot looked pretty appealing
A couple of days ago i motored across to Chesterfield and left home covered in cloud.  Chesterfield  was bathed in sunshine and as I left to return home i noticed a definite line of cloud stretching for miles.  Impressive weather front
More Brexit propaganda on the front of the Express this morning with the PM set for a meeting with The presidential hopeful DT  this summer.  The PM labelled him stupid over his policy of banning Muslims from entering the US.  The banners carry the usual health advice, this time about Arthritis - - - 
An interesting short video of weather  observers at Mt Washington braving winds of 109mph
The Metro gets on the Express health bandwagon  this morning by telling us toothpaste is bad for us.  Its an additive to most toothpaste to kill mouth bacteria called triclosan that is said to also kill gut bacteria which is not  a good idea.  Sleep safe though information near the end of the article indicate this is not true.  - - - slack news day? 
My compost bin has pot worms  I noticed a couple of weeks ago the bin normally with its resiednt earth worm population appeared to have been taken over by these thin white worms.  Googling yesterday i found out they are "pot worms".  Its something to do with the ph of the compost.  Ours must be changing again because the pot worms appear to be declining in numbers.
Moving the TV yesterday went according to plan until we tried to plug in the data cable for the on demand bit of Sky.  I must have re-plugged the cable three or four times and could get internet on a pc with it but it wouldn't work in the Sky box.  In the end we put in another temporary cable and ordered a wifi connector on-line.

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