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Saturday 14 May 2016

A nap is bad for you - - - & - - - Back to cold this morning

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
The Netweather display has a couple of light showers around locally but with the wind coming from the North they might miss us.
 As predicted the Temp did plummet over night but only to 4.7c rather than the predicted zero
the weathercam has a good view of the clouds floating by.  The forecast is for sunny periods this morning but only a Max Temp of 12c.  The cloud will build around lunchtime and very light rain is a possibility this afternoon
My adage of "eventually everything is bad for you" is played out in the Express headline today.  I cant find the express article but here's the same thing from the Mail in April 2014 - - - 

The guy on the left loses a £400k house to a squatter, the guy on the right  after ages legally fighting to get his house back the court threw out his claim on a technicality.  he now faces having to sell his little flat to pay for the court proceedings - - - ridiculous or what? - - - 
Here are some great photos from around the  world in an article by the Express
After an early morning shopping raid to Aldi, still cant believe their prices, i did a couple of hours logging, managing to get into the farmland before Bertie and Napkin spotted me in Boris 
 the day had started very cloudy but true to the forecast it was reasonably sunny by the time i was ready to begin working 
 I filled up Boris with some wood from an old stash then set to on this lot.  The rounds are from a couple of Ash trees.  The next and larger one is in the background.  
 juat about finished now and time to add the bits to the stack 
I'm trying to see how high I can go on the pile.  Its as tall as me at this end now. 
After getting backl home i left the unloading of the firewood in order to watch the Giro D'Italia which has been going for a week now 
the wet weather didnt last long and Greipel won the sprint to the line.  Tom Dumoulon retains the leaders jersey.  

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