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Thursday 12 May 2016

Do not mess with our kettles EU! - - - & - - - The pond shade brolly arrives

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
The Netweather current rain display shows a blob around the south of England moving East to West, fingers crossed, locally we might have a dry day
 a mild Temp to start with with a bit of a breeze The Bar Tendency is downward just now so the rain symbol is showing.  Other machines i have don't show a downward trend?
A great view on the weathercam has caught the NW breeze in detail with my "seaweed" at a rather acute angle.  Quite a bit of cloud around but there is also a lot of blue sky around

The Express has a good headline about the EU wanting to crack down on energy guzzling appliaces like Kettles.  I think messing around with what makes our national brew is definitely spoiling for a fight.  The photo of the smart young lady allegedly Sent home for not wearing high heals smacks of a little ridiculousness! - - - 
Interesting article  about how one in four PC's running windows is open to cyber attack.  It focusses on out of date Internet Explorer versions.  Also mentioned are Adobe, Java and Flash apps which could also not be up to date.  I wonder how many are corporate machines that have our personal data in them? 
The forecast for yesterday didnt look too bright so I busied myself with some outstanding book issues and then turned my attention to one of the wood storage areas 
some of the wood was poking out too far from the stack so it was a case of pulling the top half of each bay out and repositioning them.  Good timing on the part of the courier delivering our brolly to shade the pond! as i finished re-stacking the wood it was delivered 
this rather amusing photo is of me doing the recce of where the base is going to go.  The brolly is a copy of the one we have on the swinging seat terrace.  It has a couple of pieces of steel bracing which attach to the central pole to form a sturdy base.  As can be seen from the photo there isn't a lot of room where the base is going to stand.  I will discard the steel braces and my old friend Mr Postfix will be utilised! - - - 
The Giro D'Ialia had its fifth stage yesterday 
Andre Greipel looks happy with his exiting sprint finish.  The day had a couple of nasty looking crashes, one within the last km before the finish.  Road rash appeared to be the main result of those thank goodness

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