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Sunday 15 May 2016

"Another" New Statins Alert! - - - & - - - We have fun moving a large tree

Enjoy the day 
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Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
Its another clear display on the Netweather rain radar this morning
 Another cold start with an overnight Min Temp of 2.3c
the weathercam has a great view of the sunshine already on most of the valley.  The forecast is for the cloud to build and just a hint of a rain shower later in the day
Shouldn't the Express headline read "Another" New statins safety alert.  Obviously a slack news day 
With the day looking good yesterday we decided to move the large tree from over the ditch that the blokes were clearing the other day.  
Managing to get into the fields without disturbing the ambushers Bertie and Napkin 
 I loaded up some wood to give Boris a bit of  weight in the back.  Pulling the tree was not going to be easy.  
 The base of the trunk is a little over 2 feet thick and its resting on the stump
 sawing off the large branches we are still left with a sizeable piece of trunk but 
 Sally gives it a tug just to see if it will come up the stream bank 
 It drops straight into the stream and even with Boris loaded up the grass is too wet to get any grip 
 We utilise this bank to aid the pulling but in the end have to saw off most of the smaller 1 foot thick trunks 
 getting down to the base of the trunk I saw it into 3 and eventually we manage to get the whole thing clear of the stream. Its taken much longer than i first thought but at least the blokes can get at the stream and making firewood out of the tree will be easier for me 
 On the way out Bertie who has heard all the Defender noises is ready to Ambush us at the gate.  He obviously hasn't spotted Sally by the gate at this time and he thinks i have the ginger nuts 
I get Boris through the gate and Sally feeds him the last of the ginger nuts 
Back home we decide to sit in the garden and test drive the new pond brolly 
 It looks pretty good 
 It can pivot around to shade the pond as the sun moves across the sky 
we notice that the fish, who normally cruise around under the bridge are actually in the bit of the pond shaded with the brolly.  It dawns on us that they might not like the sunshine! all the more reason to try and shade the pond.  A bit of a down side on the proceedings is we notice that one fish which had been looking a little jaded finally expired earlier in the day'
It was a gloriously sunny day as this photo form the top of the garden camera shows.  here's hoping for a similar day today 

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