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Friday 6 May 2016

More Brexit joy - - - & - - - what a lovely day

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
Another Brexit campaign story in the Express this morning but at least this one has a ring of truth about it, indicating that now the warmer weather is here more migrants will attempt to get into the UK .  The weekend heat wave gets mentioned and the usual health tip also gets some space
This wildfire in Alberta Canada is threatening to destroy the town of Fort McMurray its been burning for a number of days now and the whole town population has been told to evacuate.  This has been made difficult because the only southern route out of town is blocked by the fire.  Officials hope to declare the route safe today.  Over 1600 structures have been destroyed by the fire already! - - -
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not much in the way of rain at the moment over the whole of the UK.
 A cool start once again with some high hazy cloud around already, I don't think the Bar Tendency of rain is anything to worry about today
 The weathercam reflects the cloud with a bit of a dull photo.  If all goes to plan the day will have a Max Temp of 18c but the cloud will smother some of the sunshine
Yesterday i went out early to take a look at the ransoms by the river
 with the glorious sunshine the view across the river was at its best so early in the morning with the sun behind me
 the study patch looks good with a lot of the flowers out now
 a little further on and this patch is in full bloom now
 the stream outfall into the river is quite prominent now meaning the level is low
 I made my way down by the Peak Rail sidings and noticed this new arrival.  It could do with a bit of TLC

 i walked a few hundred yards down the cycle path "thronging" with early morning commuters
 the two fields that have been a quagmire all winter have now been ploughed and harrowed, i wonder what will be in them this year ?
 the view up the hill to the Nine Ladies area has a lot of lambs on it now
 i noticed the tree that has fallen into the river but is grimly hanging on to the bank has a couple of leaves on it!
This bit of the river is particularly shallow.  Its a good area for the dippers and as i stood there  one flew up the river and dived straight into the water.  Watching it surface now and again i was about to take a photo, when a second bird also flew up and dived in beside the other.  Very difficult to see but the rectangle has the two of them flying up to dry off by the bank
I finally finished updating the interesting bit of the book from the notes made by my literary agent friend.  Its time next week to contact a couple of ex colleagues who have both had books published trying to search out an agent who will take me on.
With that work out of the way and the sunshine streaming in through the windows it was , "time to log"
This rather large hawthorn needs to be got out of the way before i can get onto the 2 very large trees, one behind the hawthorn and one at left of the photo.  The thing is lying in a ditch and on top of another smaller hawthorn.  I have been clearing it for a couple of sessions now and today i am determined, "it has to be finished"
here's the stash before i started
a full three hours later of grappling, pulling, sawing and chopping i have this to show for my labours. It has to be said that most of the darker coloured wood at this end has come from those two trees.  I'm hoping for a good day tomorrow because Sally has volunteered to come up and help me get rid of the trees at right of shot which need Boris to pull them away from the gate when i fell them
It might not seem much but at least its added to the pile and i can now get on with a new one up on the bank at left from these two trees.  It will be quite a pile
i spotted the Virgin balloon out for a jaunt earlier in the day, we used to get quite a few but maybe the novelty of "joyriding" one of these things is wearing off
The Giro d'Italia begins today, strangely enough in Holland.  It has this starting in a foreign country angle to it every second year. So we have nearly 3 weeks of racing to watch in some fabulous scenery around Italy

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