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Thursday 26 May 2016

Log burner going yesterday - but its nearly June! - - - & - - - Blindness breakthrough in the papers

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
The Netweather radar  has rain on it locally but its all blowing away from us at the moment 
 The Temp is almost in double figures but it doesn't feel like it out in the garden
The weathercam view is a little dreary and grey at the moment but forecasters are predicting a dry day once the nigh-time rain is gone.
Knowing it was likely to rain yesterday I set off early to try and beat it
 The rounds from the previous day were my target yesterday
So physical smashing the rounds but the pile is a good one two hours later.  Some wouldn't break no matter how hard i tried so in the end i had to resort to sawing them into lumps.  This type of work always reminds me of a few years back the local medical practice had "all the old folk" into the surgery.  It was something akin to a "well man" clinic.  A rather portly nurse suggested i get more exercise because her chart was showing i was 2 pounds overweight!  - - -
Yesterday was a "lunch out day" so i decided to walk the White edge out to the pub even though the rain had now arrived
 at the car park the hawthorn hedge over the road seems to be struggling to convince itself that its time to open its flowers
 as I climb the slight rise to the edge I'm glad i have warm clothing on because the wind is strong and desperately cold, driving the rain right at me
 down wind shows a shower that has already washed the Edge
 Up wind at the Trig Point the next shower is racing towards me
 Even with the cold weather and rain its a very enjoyable walk
 Just after 12:00 i arrive at the lunch venue and Sally arrives in Boris a few minutes later.  The fire is roaring away and we grab a close seat and enjoy a light lunch
 with the rain having slackened somewhat i set off back along Froggatt Edge pausing briefly for this shot and remembering years ago in summer we stopped here to dip our feet in the stream.  Cold then freezing now!
 only seeing a couple of hardy souls I pass one of the way points through this gap in the rocks
 once through it the view South is still one of clouds and showers
the balancing rock with Chatsworth fountain way off in the gloom
 it does appear to be brightening a little as I am almost at the Curber Gap

 with Birkin Edge across the road and Chatsworth once again in the distance I can see Cyril the van in the lay-by.  Just below me i notice a small track zig-zagging down the slope.  I take it and it save myself a good 5 minutes back to the van.
All done for the day we settle down to watch a stage on the Giro D'Italia with a fire crackling away in the log burner - - - but its almost June! - - - 
The Express leads with a breakthrough in eye implants to help reverse the onset of blindness while a migrant boat overturning in the Med graces the banners  
The Mails front page story is nowhere to be found but its looking like another Brexit message 

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