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Tuesday 3 May 2016

Pension people ignore Project Fear - - - & - - - Pansy's in pots for us

Enjoy the day 
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The Express is intimating that the Scaremongering tactics of the Govt over Brexit are ineffective with a the headline that pension funds have not seen a slow down in injected money from investors.  Nor do investors believe the doom and gloom of the Govt "Project Fear" tactics of worst case scenarios being touted around if we vote to leave the EU - - - 
The Mail makes a big deal over ex ministers  getting jobs in the private sector after performing the same or similar job in the public one - - - they would be stupid not to surely? - - -  
Not much of any precipitation locally and only Scotland the far North and a splodge over the Lake Dsitrict showing anything on the rain display from Netweather  this morning
 Its a few degrees cooler than yesterday but still well above the freezing Temps we have been having.
The weathercam has a nice clear sky this morning and the sun is already making its presence felt on the other side of the valley.  The forecast for the day is good weather but the weathermen are hedging their bets by suggesting we might get the odd shower.
Yesterday with the 10c Temp. very early in the day we raided the local garden centre for some Pansy's to brighten up a few tired looking pots we had around the place
 these two pots on the kitchen roof have been very dull since last Autumn so now they will add a bit of sparkle, LM looks on from the bedroom window! - -  -
 this photo is a bit washed out because i took it this morning and the flash went off but the two pots will look great once the plants grow.  After emptying a few other pots we stood back and decided that was it for the day

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