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Tuesday 31 May 2016

The weather will change today! - - - & - - - Another diabetes diet in the news

Enjoy the day 
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Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
As predicted the severe weather that has affected our European neighbours is gradually edging our way. We look to be in for a wet and windy afternoon locally.  
The Metro has a good article about the rain coming from  Europe.  Storms there have caused a number of deaths and tremendous flash flooding. 
A nice double figure Temp to start the day, the Bar. should begin to fall quite soon with the bad weather approaching  
The weathercam has a rather benign view across the valley this morning.  I would imagine by lunchtime the view will be clouding up and the wind gathering pace - - - we shall see.  Forecasts indicate some rain but not a significant amount - - - 
With yesterday being bank holiday Monday it was time to stay "hunkered down" what with all the tourist traffic around 
 we spotted this Buzzard being harassed by the much smaller crow above the garden.  Once the larger bird was out of the crows territory it left it alone 
 it was pottering time in the garden 
 we left the growth coming out of the old hawthorn tree stump  in the hope it would blossom this year.  Satisfied now that this was in vain its time to give it a trim 
better!  but it will get another trim in about a month,  the bluebells will be clipped soon because the blossoms are fading and other plants underneath and close by need the room and light 
 down in the daffodil bed Sally is attempting to get the sweet peas to climb up this frame we put up yesterday 

The Express goes back to the health kick this morning with this Diet to halt diabetes story a quote from the article suggests losing 10% of your weight will decrease the risk of developing the disease by 90% - - - 

Monday 30 May 2016

Boris needs a new front bumper - - - & - - - The Channel now has a migrant boat crisis

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
With central Europe getting a battering our position in the North Sea has this clear display from Netweather this morning
A double figure Temp this morning which is more like the "norm" for this time of year  
The weathercam shows the mist clinging to the Nine Ladies hill and i fancy it will take some time to clear.  The forecast calls for a dry day and some sunshine later.  The fallout from the European thunderstorms is predicted to hit us Tuesday with a wet and windy time.  - - -
It was nice and sunny yesterday so time to go for load 12 for the winter wood store the hawthorn blossom is showing off as we descend to the site 
 its looking like this stash of wood will just about fill the store for this year 

 I decide on a mega load so dont utilise the tote bag in the back of Boris 
 I find quite a few mice nests but no-one is at home 

 just about done now 
 Sally gets the gate 
 but the boys give her a hard time, as i drive through it Bertie manages to finish up in the yard but we both manage to get him back in the field
back home now and time to unload.  
 All done for today, I'll complete this row to the roof then one final row will complete the store.  
 Time to wash down a dusty Boris  
 I'll leave the muck on the tyres and mud-flaps 
There we are all done, front bumper needs replacing, the rust on the drivers side is showing quite a lot now.  - - - A cunning plan is already afoot! 
Time for some serious sitting in the sunshine in our garden before watching the last stage of the Giro 
A rather soggy processional stage, as expected, left Nibali, Chaves and Valverde claiming the spoils for this years Giro with only a dodgy sprint by Nizzolo souring the proceedings and he was relegated to last, leaving the German Arndt to pick up the stage win. - - - here are some great photos from the Guardian of selected stages  - - - roll on the Tour de France 2 - 24 July 
Another Brexit story on the front  of the Express, the banner has a ring of truth about it and the weather prediction, bottom right, looks like the Express thinks we might get some fallout from the European thunderstorms 
this photo from the "I"  shows last nights data and predicts we will be in for some of it come Wednesday, unlikely but there are predictions of a wet and windy Tuesday 

Sunday 29 May 2016

Protein Jab to stop heart attacks - - - & - - - The Greenhouse plants are going strong.

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
Its not worth showing the Netweather rain radar this morning because there's absolutely nothing showing on it.
 The Temp overnight was down to 5.5c but its on the rise now as the sun is making its presence felt
There looks to be quite a bit of cloud around on the weathercam view but I'm not sure if some of it is just the mist rising out of the valley.  The day will be warm with sunny periods 
We did a fair amount of work in the garden yesterday 
 we have a couple of these old tubs which have early Spring bulbs in but they have been replanted now with a mixture of flower seeds for the summer.  LM inpects the handy work 
The main Daffodil bed has been stripped bare and will have sweet peas in very soon
With all the work done we settled down to watch the last serious day on the Giro
Nibali who had been written off stages ago about a victory, conjures up an astonishing comeback to bury himself 15km from the finish line.  He needed to take 44 seconds from the pink jersey (Chavez)  and then some to secure a victory.  Not winning the stage didnt matter as that honour went to Katusha rider Taaramae but Nibali finished 52 seconds in front of Chavez and secured his second Giro triumph of his career. 
After the Giro i went out to an early dinner with No 1 Daughter (the younger) and we even planned a walk up Mam Tor in August for our next get together.  
After all that excitement i sat down and reflected on the busy day with a couple of beers, just catching this last light photo 
well not me really, the camera at the top of the garden gets triggered by the failing light and produces these spectacular short videos and i take a still from it.  This one was at 22:18, it will only be just under 4 weeks before the times start to fall back earlier! where does the time fly to! 
This morning i noticed some mist floating up the valley but by the time i got to the top of the garden the effect was not as impressive.  
I had picked out this one already from the weathercam,quite nice 
 taking a turn around the garden i spot a couple of the "locals" 
 The Tomatoes in the greenhouse need a lot of attention now picking off the side shoots etc. 
 I'm trying to keep the vine from taking over the greenhouse like it usually does but i reckon this means sacrificing some of the grapes.  We dont eat many anyway so no problem there.  It does look pretty good at the moment 
 the sweet peas are coming along fine but not in the numbers we expected. There's some kind of garden show on at Peak Village next weekend so we might pick up some sweet and ordinary peas from there! 
 On the Northern exposed side of our top terrace we planted some hawthorn and self seeded tree varieties, the labour looks to be paying off now.  We need to be careful to keep them down to bush size otherwise we will have a tangle of trees there in the future. 

Cutting edge researchers are developing a protein jab to stop heart attacks  dont get your hopes up though, they might have discovered the process but its going to be 3-5 years before its going to be rolled out for general use - - - 
The Mail carries a couple of stories about the Zika virus  This one telling folk to think again about visiting Disneyland Florida.  The virus is apparently not there yet but an "expert" warns that with the summer heat it could be in the southern US soon.  Another warning comes that the Olympic Games should be cancelled  amid quotes from "experts" that World Health Organisation chiefs who vetoed the cancellation are "Ignorant and arrogant" - - - that last quote has a ring of truth about it methinks - - - 

Saturday 28 May 2016

Leave/Remain We're all confused - - - & - - - The dead digger leaves the scene

Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcam
Not much in the way of rain on the Netweather display this morning the blob over Birmingham is moving very slowly, almost appearing to be static
 Its a cool 5.5c just now but it feels rather pleasant outside in the gathering dawn
the weathercam has a rather nice look to the view across the valley.  Forecasters are hinting at a fine day but the cloud might build up this afternoon and rather spoil the sunshine.

It was time yesterday to get another load (No 10) for the winter store and finish off the pile I worked on the previous day.  As i was working a couple came down and recovered the dead digger on a flat bed trailer.  I wonder if that's the end of the stream clearing.  Maybe all our work cutting up and moving the large trees that were in/over the stream was all for nought.  At least the pieces are now all in a position where i can safely and easily reduce them to firewood
The Giro D'Italia had one of its toughest stages yesterday climbing between the snow banks up to 9002 feet over the Colle Dell Agnello.  There were a couple of nasty looking crashes up in the mountains with the pink jersey holder Kruijswijk having trouble after hitting a snow bank and somersaulting off the bike.  Later the helicopter hovers over medics attending Zakarin who is off the road by a stream.  Eventually it is declared he has broken his collarbone.  The end of the race sees an emphatic win for Nibali.  - - - todays stage has been descibed as great in its vistas and the end climb to the finish "might decide the winner of the giro!"


Another Brexit endorsement  on the front of the Express this morning 
The I though says we are all confused, the main thrust are the rather outlandish claims of both Leave and Remain camps in the debates raging around the media.  I think its worth remembering a rather hackneyed old phrase "when does a politician lie" and the alleged answer would be "when their lips move!" - - - 