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Friday 18 December 2015

We have 10k Houdini type Asylum Seekers & A rodent eats the fish food

A staggering 10000 asylum seekers  have vanished in the UK according to this story but it also reports that 30000 others who have had their applications denied are also still here!!!! - - - The Mourinho story also features on the front page with him losing his job at Chelsea.  The link above also covers this story and alleges he will pick up between £10m & £40m - - - nice money if you can get it - for failing! - - - 
these Daffodils are the top pic in This BBC article which attempts to explain why it is so warm at the moment.  El Nino gets a mention as well as the Saharan dust which we were promised yesterday that failed to appear. 
i spotted this red sky early yesterday and wondered if it might be the leading edge of the dust cloud but it came to nought 
 wandering the garden to check our bulb growth these are Snow drops and it looks as if they know something we dont 
a few feet away though these Daffodils are well on their way.  As the garden is exposed on the hillside our bulbs are regularly 2 or 3 weeks behind others locally when it comes to flowering - - - 
I noticed that Western Oregon  is currently getting some snow, my No 1 Daughter (the elder) is off to the USA tomorrow with a destination in Oregon on the itinerary! - - - 
I walked down to 2 Dales to buy a Birthday Card from the Post office and chose to walk back along the Peak Rail footpath 
 the Railway is at the bottom of this park which belongs to the Whitworth buildings alongside the A6.  There is plan to build a number of houses on the Whitworth land but i imagine they will be on the other side of those large trees across the park 
 my idea was to walk a short way along the Railway path then cut down to the fields and River path back up to home.  I did however notice that the "path Closed" signs had been removed along the old footpath up the railway.  
 skirting our old watering hole The Church Inn 
 i start along the path and immediately see that it might be a New Path but still has the Old Problem! 
 this looks like the planners idea of "conservation" it does however give an idea of how much wider this cycle/footpath is than the original path, the tree was a good foot off the old path 
 forsaking the new path i crossed over the railway at the signal and walked across a partially flooded field.  These are the root crops previously blogged and you can see the strip feeding method being employed with a small electrified fence to control it.  The gap through the fence just in front of me is really muddy so this part of the walk might be left until it dries out a bit  
 at the river the level is higher than last time i walked it but this tree doesnt look like its going to get washed away yet 
 the old fishing hut across the river looks to be getting an overhaul, i could see tins of paint etc! 

 finally to finish a regular view across the river.  I made a 2 minute Time lapse video  in 2012/2013 taking the same shot from this spot and then compiling the best shots click this link to take a look   
i fed our pond fish after my walk, i know the rule is not to feed them when the weather gets cold but in my opinion if we throw it in and they eat it the rule should be "keep feeding them".  Anyway, i needed to replen the small containers we store near the pond and went into the shed to discover that some rodent or other had bitten a hole in the bag and pinched some of the food.  The old pond filter sponges had also been nibbled so i emptied the bag on the ground hoping to find a nest but all to no avail.  I'll have to leave the door open and let LM have a hunting spree in there! 
 not quite making a double figure Temp this morning, thats because i turned off our central heating! lol 
not a bad looking sky on the weathercam.  the forecasters are a little confused about the day so its a case of  take your choice of (Metcheck)light rain all day or (Met O) maybe a little light rain from 12:00 to 15:00 - - 
 the view the other way (east) has some interesting looking clouds illuminated by the rising sun 

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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