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Friday 11 December 2015

Are we going to see a White Christmas & To the Fun Factory for me!

What are the chances of a white Christmas  says this stories headline.  Who can you believe now that the early year warnings of the El Nino bringing us a bitterly cold winter have all gone down the pan so far.  As people in Cumbria suffer yet more rain its looking like Christmas might just be more of what we are having just now.
the words on the banner in the pic say it all as the "Climate Summit" draws to a close in Paris.  If countries kept to what they promise and there was a way emerging industrial nations could be controlled there might be a chance of at least some success, - - - its a bit like when there is a disaster, say on the scale of the 2004 tsunami, lots of nations stood up and were quoted as promising aid but not all of the promises were kept
Morrisons are cutting the price of their petrol at the pumps to 99.9p a litre. Asda are having a weekend of special prices but the news is not all good oil companies are moaning that they might have to shut some high cost oilfields if the current price of fuel is kept low.
Other supermarkets are dragging their feet so the 10 year agony for the motorists with fuel silly prices and rip offs continues - - -
This should be on the front of the Express as a story from the Mail tells us two drinks a day cut the chance of Alzheimers  
Alas the Express misses the 2 drinks a day story to report a new surge in asylum seekers flooding into the EU 
The weather yesterday was as forecast very wet and so i had a good few hours on my book and am still toying with producing part of it on its own in the long run, that way i can insert more of the photo's i have from that exciting era of my life.  
Talking of excitement, its time to start another, and my final set of shifts down at the fun factory today!  I'm looking forward to finishing on Monday but feel sure i'll miss it in a strange way.  Having worked since i was 11 it will be strange not to have it in the back of my mind - - - 
 A cold start this morning with the Temp just making 5c
no chance of a weathercam view but its quite cloudy outside, the forecast is however for a dry day before we get into the wet and windy possibility of Sat and Sun 
Enjoy the day
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