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Thursday 17 December 2015

Toxic dust cloud today! & an early B/day present for me

What a great headline in the Express this morning about the Toxic Dust cloud set to hit us Today!   this story from the Mirror. It would be more appropriate to make the release of Stuart Hall story the top feature! after being given a 30 month extension to his original 15 month prison sentence he finishes up only serving half that and willl be home for Christmas! - - -   
The pic shows the Saharan dust cloud out in the Atlantic at the moment 
and this one attempts to show where the worst hit areas might be when the dust cloud sweeps in.  I think its a case of pray fro rain which will bring the dust to the ground and give us the usual mud spattered cars etc that we have seen in the past 
Calls to police about drone privacy are up by 2000%   this Sky News story tells us, apparently pre Christmas sales of these "toys" are at an all time high and with the withdrawal of the explosive hoverboards they will be even more popular now.  I think peoples attitudes to them are a bit over the top especially when you are unable to walk down any high street or drive anywhere without some camera or other recording your progress.  - - - 

Members of the Qatari Royal Family  are part of a group of  around 26 people who have been kidnapped in a Souther Iraq desert area while out hunting with falcons.  It is reported that over a hundred armed men in trucks descended on their camp at 3 a.m. and the Iraqi security detail meant to guard the hunters decided not to fight the large group of gunmen! - - - 
this morning's http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ weather chart show the winds driving this "toxic dust cloud" up from the Sahara desert.  We are predicted to get some rain around midday so hopefully that will pull down most of the dust 
talking to an acquaintance the other day he was predicting his daffodils might be out for Christmas! ours are certainly showing their shoots but i dont think we will see any blooms this side of the New Year.  This story  says it will be 15c on Christmas day so the El Nino supporters  of whom i must count myself must be really disappointed that we are not knee deep in snow right now and looking forward to a white Christmas - - - 
i was a bit miffed the other day when i realised i had lost one of my watches I'm not sure where i lost it but remember having it when i was logging a few days ago.  Its a big area to search so i'm not too confident of finding it 
With this in mind i searched ebay for one of the old fashioned Army G10 watches 
this one's a 2011 version! so here we are an early birthday present for me.  Sods law now dictates i shall find my other one! - - - 
 very warm again but no wind showing at present 
ni light as yet but earlier i could see a few stars so hopefully its not 100% cloud.  Indications are that we shall have some rain around noon
UPDATE 09:25
Just about full cloud cover now and with the Bar. falling its looking like the predicted rain might be on its way 
Enjoy the day
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