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Tuesday 15 December 2015

Saudis start Islamic anti terrorism alliance & A white edge walk for me today

Great headline  in the Express this morning but i fear like most of their usual "miracle health cure stories" it might all be a "pipe dream" 
Now here's a story  that should be all over the front pages.  The Saudi's (who it can be said have  questionable human rights policies etc) are behind an "Islamic anti terrorism alliance" .  I guess it will be welcomed by the western world although its unfortunate that Iran is not on board at the moment - - - 
OK time for a cuddly animal story, Foxes had been decimating a penguin colony on an island just of the coast of southern Victoria (Australia) when at low tide they could access the island.  A breed of dog used for stock protection was introduced to the island by a local farmer and the penguin colony is on the up again - - - a film has even been made about the story! - - - 
UK butterfly's in 40 year slump  reads the headline to this BBC story and we have noticed that we don't see as many as we used to in our garden.  Its all a case of habitat removal and pesticide use according to the thrust of the article.  There is a hint that some of the conservation measures taken in the last 10 years are working to reverse the declining numbers of some species 
The "Monday morning" pace at the shop yesterday was a little busier than usual so for my last day i had plenty to do.  I had laid on a couple of "celebration cakes" in the canteen to announce my leaving and to wish everyone well and by the time i had my afternoon break they had both been reduced to a few crumbs.  I did joke to a number of colleagues that they were "out of date" - - - 
I'm looking forward to "retirement" and will have plenty to keep me occupied, I'm of a mind at the moment that it might be quite fun to return to the shop during at least some of the winter months or if a job in the petrol filling station becomes available - - - we shall see. 
by way of a celebration I'm going to walk along White Edge to get to our lunch stop at the Grouse Inn today 
this is what it looked like last time i walked it in early Feb this year, with all the recent rain i imagine it will be a little soggy but not too bad once i get onto the rocky bit.  I'll return along Curbar Edge which always has some good views, weather permitting - - - 
the http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ chart shows its raining close by but sparing us just now.  Chances are we will get some during the course of the day
 not a bad temp at almost 8c i hear that later in the week the South of the country is going to get 15c!
no view on the weathercam at the moment i'll post another later.  The forecast indicates we might have heavy rain later this afternoon.
UPDATE 08:30 no hills visible and the mist/low cloud looks rather thick and persistent
Enjoy the day
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