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Monday 7 December 2015

More rain to come for Cumbria & we take a windy wet cold stroll

Schools and even hospital services are reported closed in some areas affected by the rain and then the flooding.  More rain is expected today and later in the week so its not looking good for the Cumbrian area - - - 
Pooley bridge at the very top end of Ulswater  has collapsed and the link shows a video of that and the Keswick railway path bridge also washed out - - - 
Locally being on the very Southern edge of the storm we have had very little rain, i ventured out yesterday to look at some odd paint marking to do with the cycle path that Sally had seen on her morning walk 
 As i entered Peak Rail at what is known as Nanny Goats Crossing i saw the marks and also a line of red painted posts.  The fenced of area at the far end of this pic is an encroachment by a house behind me so it looking like the owner is going to lose some of the ground 
 the river is still a little above normal but nothing to shout about 
 another line of red painted posts runs just to the right of the grubbed up track in this pic most of the trees near the bottom of the slope have marks meaning they will be felled 
 this old railway bridge over a stream has been been re invented as the cycle path and it even looks to have a central reservation!  the route of the path at this point is a little indistinct it is rumoured to be going straight on and the fence will be demolished but to the left of this pic trees have already been felled???  Its beginning to look like a hideous amount of expenditure for something that might not be used that much - - - maybe i'm wrong? - - - 
wandering on i gain a bit of height and looking South can see some rain coming up the valley on the wind  
 the picture North West doesnt look to pleasant either 
 even higher now and the rain looks to be only on the other side of the valley but here comes another batch 
 above the new pond and looking west Bakewell looks to be getting the rain 
 into the woods now that are being felled, my theory about them only cutting down the fir trees looks to be blown away when looking down into the clearing here its only the deciduous that have been felled 
 as i arrive at the golf course the view West still has the rain  
 at the same time the view South even has some blue sky! 

 5 minutes late as i descend the blue is replaced with what looks like some rain approaching fast 
 looking back up the hill but in the lee of some trees the rain is sweeping across the fields  
 its a real in and out day with the weather as i see more blue sky down by the river 
 the bit of exposed shingle below stretched half way across the River not long ago when it was much lower 
With the weather forecast hinting at some bright spells we decided to visit Carsington Reservoir and walk across the top of the Dam hoping that as a firm track it wouldnt be muddy 
 sure enough the track although wet looked ok so we set off  keeping an eye on the weather.  Lucky for us the clouds in the pic were going away from us 
 it was windy but warm as we were on our way 

almost at the far end of the dam the clouds looked to be stretching towards us 
the wind picked up and we headed back in to stronger winds and some desperately cold rain hammering at us from the left of the pic.  Thankfully the wind subsided a bit as we reached the car park and we threw a bit of bread for the birds before making our escape back home - - - 
 at 7.1 the Temp is only just over half the forecast amount so its looking like it might be a bit of a cold day here today 
its been raining until a few minutes ago so the weathercam view looks decidedly soggy with the mist swirling around the old quarries amongst the trees on the other side of the valley
its looking like it might be a bit of a make and mend day! 
Enjoy the day
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