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Saturday 19 December 2015

January sales are here! & wet and windy today

"January Sales Start Today! The Mail covered this story yesterday so i guess its a slack news day at the Express, the Black Friday disappointment for retailers has brought this on - - - 
The Telegraph has a go at the Universities for killing free speech and although it does seem ridiculous to take down a statue of Cecil Rhodes outside a building he paid for at Oriel college in Oxford.  I don't think free speech is at risk its the Politically Correct "tide" washing along the shores of common sense that is the problem here 
I spotted an article about something called an Electric Unicycle its a little like the Airwheel in the pic above .  With the demise of the hoverboard Christmas presents in the UK this year being branded as cheap and dangerous imitations, maybe this could take over.  In my humble opinion they are all a bit like Golf - - - spoils a good walk - - - 
I'm not a fan of Zoe Ball but kissing this bloke "Tay Starhz" can you believe that's his name! is all over the papers she ought to have tucked his shirt in for him and sent him on his way! - - -
the hunt for my watch is concluded! We had gone up to drop off a birthday card at our friends place who lets me cut down trees on his land and i wandered down to the logging area convinced i was going to find it.  After a good 30 minutes retracing steps and going round in circles the only thing of interest i found was 
this ink cap mushroom . 
Having returned home i looked once again and in the end found the watch under a chest of drawers which i had looked under earlier.  I didn't spot the watch the first time because it had become lodged on a castor almost behind a shroud designed to hide the castors from view - - - hey ho
By way of a celebration we arranged to meet the birthday boy at one of our old watering holes and it was just like old times chewing the fat and putting the world to rights, i think we were a bit early for the usual regulars but it was nice none the less. 
i was hoping to get up to the logging area and finish off sawing the trunk of my latest felling but the rain looks like its on its way from the current http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ chart.  I'll revue it later when its light
this weather channel prediction doesn't hold out much hope for a dry day
the Metcheck rain radar shows the rain just the other side of the M6 and rushing our way at 56mph
 well into the double figures for the Trmp. this morning and the wind is making itslef known as well
no light yet on the weathercam I'll update it later.  Forecasters seem to be in agreement that the day will be wet and windy
UPDATE 07:45
very cloudy and blustery just now
Enjoy the day
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