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Friday 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas & Where's me welly's

Merry Christmas ! 
- - - 

Nice little video explaining the El Nino  effect on the weather but how wrong could the weathermen and weather pundits have been.  For the first 9 months of the year all you heard was that the current El Nino building in the Pacific was going to give us the coldest winter since "records began".  I suppose there's time left for the winter to finally arrive but don't hold your breath. - - - 
Not being a Masterchef kind of guy i had to laugh at This Mail article about Gregg Wallace one of the judges of MasterChef: the Professionals.  
The dish above is the starter from the eventual winner of the competition Mark Stinchcombe really! looking more like a dish of the leftovers of a much larger meal it however impressed all the judges, as did Mark's other 2 courses.  
One of the thrusts of the article  which is the amusing bit is the panning that Gregg gets from the viewers comments both in the article and at the bottom of the article - - - great stuff keep it up Gregg - - - 
The weather really let go yesterday with some very heavy rain and strong winds 
 I snapped these 2 after returning from town when the rain was exceptionally heavy 
the iphone camera has a HDR (high definition) setting that by default is OFF hence the blurry pics! 
Later on i noticed even in the rain the birdfeeders were having lots of visitors 
 Great and Blue tit 
 Coal Tit 
 Great Tit 
 and again 
 Blue Tit 
and finally a Coal Tit again.  I had hoped to see the resident Nuthatch but i dont think it fancied the rain, i had seen it earlier when filling up the feeders. 
Currently the http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ chart shows the rain beginning to get into gear and its just visible on the local Metcheck rain radar.  It wont be long before the predicted wet Christmas day is with us! 
 quite chilly out in the breeze and low Temp 
nothing to see on the weathercam just yet i'll try and remember to post another today 
definitely a Welly day today 

its raining now and has been since about 07:50 the current weather is set to be with us all day with the rain increasing until late afternoon when it will slacken but not cease 
Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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