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Wednesday 23 December 2015

Thundersnow on its way! & A good weather day today but a bad one tomorrow

Ignoring the migrant story which makes chilling no pun intended reading and the "Strictly Shock" never watched it, today its "all about the weather" if you look at the top left banner headline about Thundersnow . Any snow is expected to be only in the far north of the UK but i think its anybodies guess where it might fall.  
 The mirror carries the same Thundersnow warning with this pic of the storm system in the Atlantic heading for what i presume is the UK in the top right of the pic.  There are the usual predictions about what the weather might bring but until it gets closer i think most of the forecasters are just guessing what we are in for. One forecaster Todd Crawford does stick his neck out a little and says that, "there are some hints that a cold weather pattern may occur, especially across northern regions"  
 The poor old Glenridding Hotel up in Cumbria is flooded again the third time in a fotrnight such a shame. 
When i walked Helvellyn in September i sat at these very tables in the pic above
in the afternoon sunshine with the "babbling brook" only a couple of inches deep to my left on its way to the lake.  - - - 
With my "man flu" well on its way to extinction yesterday i determined to walk the White Edge from the Curbar Gap  up to our lunch stop at The Grouse Inn  I had checked the rain radar on Metcheck and it was clear but with the winds being so strong meant it could arrive quite quickly. The forecast says rain is coming down from the North 
 At the Car Park spot just below Curbar Gap looking West into the wind its not looking too bad 
 Cyril in the parking spot, some drivers just don't get the parking thing do they? 
 last time i was up here it was very foggy and i could barely see past the lone tree 
 up on the edge and its very windy probably 35 - 40 mph in the gusts and i get the first hint of what is on its way.  The flatish topped feature in the distant right of the pic definitely has some rain the other side of it 
 looking directly into the wind i couldn't make out any heading my way 
 by the time i reached the Trig point the rain had moved quite quickly to almost hide the flatish feature 
 regaining the main track it became obvious i was in for a soaking 
 looking directly into the wind the rain was only about 2km away 
 first sight of the Grouse and the wind has strengthened and the rain is driving horizontally at me  
 I get some respite from the driving rain as the track changes direction 
 in a matter of a couple of minutes the rain stops and i am in a clear patch of weather 
 all downhill from here to the pub.  I meet up with Sally and we both try the Christmas Dinner for the princely sum of £10, worth sampling! both of us battle through it valiantly but there is the odd thing left on the plate.  
 back outside the wind was stronger and it was raining quite hard, walking down the road and then up onto Froggatt Edge i take a last pic in the lee of the forest trees before braving the open ground 
 buffeted by the wind its hard to see in the pic the horizontal rain! 
 almost at the highest point and its difficult to walk a straight path in the wind so its easy does it up through the rocks 
 i can just make out Cyrils white roof by the road in the pic but there's no chance of a view of Chatsworth 
 back at Cyril the van the water from the rain is flooding down the road so i make my escape without further ado - - - 
I had hoped to have a go at the book in what was left of the afternoon  but an earlier observation that the loo would not flush put paid to that.  £17 lighter on the bank balance and 45 minutes on my knees later all is well - - -
Jumping jack flash is caught on the cat flap cam last night but he didn't manage to ambush LM to get past the electronic latch.  As i came down this morning he was at the top of the steps looking through the window at me!
its all too much for LM as he sleeps by the fire yesterday before his nocturnal wanderings.  All that cushion and he has his head on the stone hearth 
the current http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ weather chart shows that its snowing in Aviemore so i think that maybe means the  approaching storm might get to us a little earlier than predicted (early tomorrow) 

the XC wind chart for right now shows its not going to get any better as the storm comes in off the pond .  With the Bar. rising here at the moment though the prediction of a not too bad day looks promising
 just under 6c on the Temp this morning and its going to feel cold out in even that brrreeze
the camera appears to be amplifying the light a little but its showing a clear sky further endorsing the promising forecasts for today
Enjoy the day
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