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Monday 28 December 2015

Stormy weather until 2016 & the daffs are almost flowering in the garden

Nothing new in the Express this morning as it promotes the predictions of the weathermen - - - 
while the UK suffers the floods in the US Tornadoes are wreaking havoc as this pic shows a trailer park in Garland Texas.  The story relates that 11 people have been killed from the tornadoes in Dallas. 
This appears in the Mail  as an attempt to goad the government into stop sending money abroad and keep it here to spend on flood defences.  The story is peppered with flooded town pics and comments by people flooded out of their homes and communities.  The reader comments at the bottom of the story are the usual inane and amusing collection.  Does the story help anyone? i dont think so - - - 
 with the forecasters not indicating rain I decided to go and smash a few rounds up at the logging site,  as I started down the hill I noticed 17 deer (Sika I think) in the meadow just above my logging area 
 I managed to get to within 25 metres of the field unseen 
 but as I moved forward a couple of heads were definitely looking in my direction 
 as I used the dead ground to get to my logging area they had obviously heard me and when I looked into the field from what would be the left hand side of the previous photo they had all gathered on the far side.  I attempted to get closer but they shot off into the forest 
 I moved a few of the rounds up towards my covered pile of wood and had a go at them there
 surprisingly it didn't take too long to reduce 6 of them to this size 
 I rolled up 4 more from the hole they are in and will have a go at these 6 today.  I then had a go at removing the small branches from the tree to get at the firewood 
I had intended staying quite a while but my iphone crashed and i didn't know what time it was so packed up.  As i puffed up the hill i remembered my camera has the time on it! but it was too late by then 
 mist was returning to the valley and the day just got worse from then on 
I was determined to do a bit in the garden in the afternoon and to begin with the weather wasn't too bad 
 i noticed that some of the daffs in the raised bed have now got flower heads on them! 
this raised bed has always been difficult to keep tidy so last year we put a slate path in the middle so we could walk onto it to weed etc.  That still didn't make it easy to get on and off though so on my last visit to the Lakes i got some flat sided lumps of slate and here utilise them and a large piece of sandstone to make a seat cum step.  As i finish it starts to rain so the tidying up can wait for another day - - - 
 just over 10c this morning but the breeze will cool it off a bit 
not much to see on the weathercam yet, the setting moon is top right - - The forecast is for cloudy and windy weather until around 21:00 when we might see just a little light rain
UPDATE 08:40
as predicted the cloud is broken in places but not many.  The wind is very much in and out at the moment but is due to strengthen soon 
Enjoy the day
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