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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Petrol price? good news bad news & a warm and windy start to the day

With the fall in petrol prices not diesel! and the general low crude oil market, people considering retirement are being warned to wait because of the effect its having on pension pots 
this sad looking lump of rubbish is a "hoverboard" Amazon have advised purchasers to dispose of the devices due to some exploding or catching fire.  Low quality batteries and faulty chargers are listed as some of the causes of the fires.  National Trading Standards have seized 15000 of the boards since October branding them cheap and dangerous imitations - - - 
the Saudi lead coalition against terrorism  has a few rocks thrown at it in this Sky News article today.  The ideology of the Saudi Wahhabi interpretation of Islam is at the root of the articles argument and it has to be said it has some substance - - - The alliance's rocky foundations however are at least a better idea than the "sitting on hands" posture which has been the norm so far - - - 
Yesterday i decided to walk along whats known as White Edge  from the Curbar gap  to get to our lunch stop at The Grouse Inn.  From where i parked up to the pub is 3 miles so i reckoned it would take me an hour.  The views are normally great but yesterday the visibility was not good 

 Up on the moor you could see a couple of hundred metres at best 
 after a brief stroll across the boggy moor i made it up onto White Edge and the footpath sign says it all 
 there isnt much water around on the track because it drains quite well, I'm walking with the wind at my back and thinking how cold it might be on my return journey 
 i could just make out a wall below me where i once had to shelter from the wind and freezing rain on my last but one trip along here.  
 the old Trig point stands just off the main track 

 my first view of "the trees" which let me know i'm only about a mile away from The Grouse 
 another indicator of where i am is this huge boulder 
 which is not far from the signpost pointing the way down off the edge through a gap in the wall 
 very "hounds of the Baskervilles as i walk through the wood.  On the wildlife front so far i have only seen one grouse but as i walk across the field to the road and pub i spot a large flock of Fieldfares some on the grass and others in the bushes by the road 
 at last The Grouse its taken me 63 minutes, i dont think i have ever used the front door so in i go, Sally is already there having had to detour from our normal route due to the road being closed for bridge repairs 
 After a hearty lunch i set off back to walk Froggatt Edge which will lead me back to my van  
 I spot a small flock of Long Tailed Tits busying themselves taking seeds from the leafless trees above the track  
 on really hot summer days in the past we have sat by this stream and dipped our feet in, not today though! 

 This stone circle was excavated in 1939 by the Duke of Rutland and it is said burial remains and an urn were found 
 the track is easy going and well drained, but as expected the wind is coming right at me and its making the light fine rain very cold! 
 the large rocks loom out of the fog as i approach 
 this rather "recumbent" pic is due to me slipping on a large rock and in falling down my camera fell out of my pocket so i thought i might as well snap a pic! 
 almost at the interesting bit now 
 no climbers around today this is one of the gullies they use to get back down to other routes 
 the route splits just below where this pic is taken you can take an easy zig zag or go for it and walk straight up to the highest point on the walk 
 this is where the "edge" name comes from i reckon, on clear days from here you can easily see the Emperor Fountain miles away in Chatsworth  

 once again no climbers on the pinnacle 
at the end of the track is this gate which is just above the PAD car park, i park for free a little way down the hill.  Wasting no time i set off back down the hill to the main road and home. 
the current http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ display shows quite a bit of rain about although we are in a clear patch at the moment 
 As predicted its rather warm out this morning with the Temp well into double figures and a brisk wind right now 
the wearthercam shows a full sky of cloud and it was raining earlier but we are having some respite from it right now, at least the mist/fog has cleared.  The forecast is for it to clear a little and we might even get some sunny periods later with the wind remaining quite strong all day 
Enjoy the day
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