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Sunday 3 January 2016

Very very heavy Snow in Turkey & Just more rain here

The headline says it all about bonuses paid to flood defence bosses - - - bad timing boys, bad timing! - - - unbelievable - - - 
here's an interesting story with an EU vote Yes/No at the end.  The story blames EU legislation which lengthens the time dogs entering the UK must be checked for a deadly parasite from the previous 2 days to 5.  This it says might allow this worm to be transmitted by dogs then foxes and sometimes even to humans in the UK .  on the map above the greyed out area is where the worm is endemic so it only has to get across the channel to be with us - - - Why this invokes an EU In/Out vote at the bottom of the story is beyond me but try it out .  Later in the article is a slide show about the The EU's 12 craziest decisions 
Big Cats may return to Britains Forests  OK great idea on paper but the idea is going down like a lead balloon with farmers. Lynx UK Trust  of course paint a rosy picture of the animal being reintroduced into some forests and they hope to gain a licence to do so before the end of this year - - - 
we might have forgotten what the "White stuff" is like with our less than Winter Weather but in Turkey as this story relates Its snowing very very hard -16c and Snow storms are causing havoc in Istanbul great pics
here's a great pic of the rain radar from netweather it shows this huge blob of rain approaching at around 30-40mph so we should see it here by around 09:30 , the increasing wind ahead of the blob should give some idea of its approach.
The http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ graphic has the same thing just now
pitch black out so i wont include the weathercam just yet.  The Temp has dropped a little in the last couple of hours it will be interesting to watch what happens as the rain approaches.
UPDATE 08:20
not a bad view on the weathercam looking South West as it does.  The pronounced line of cloud in the left of the pic is the pre cursor of the huge blob of rain shown on the netweather pic above.
UPDATE 11:25
raining well now and it looks like its going to be with us until well after dark
Enjoy the day
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