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Friday 8 January 2016

More House price rises as well as interest rates & Its getting a little colder

The headline House prices Hit New High  must be a worry for the young trying to buy but it is a bit of a yawn when its hard to see it happening.  The mention of interest rates rising is good for us "old folk".
 The banner headline about migrant sex attacks is a little disturbing because it appears to be happening in most countries who have opened their doors - - - time to shut them"  Oh yes and the Express expands on yesterday's Sun by saying Doctors insist alcohol  is bad for you - - -  
The Express headline with accompanying pic has a story inside the paper titled Arctic snowbomb to smash into Britain With warnings and dire consequences about the country being at a standstill until March it all sound serious,  or is it just a fairy story! 
 this is the Metcheck projection for next week, "not much of a snow bomb there!" and the following week has some days with Temps in double figures?????
The weather locally was pretty dreadful with high winds and rain
the rather calm looking pic of a weak wintery sun does not reflect the true story up on the moors yesterday the wind is blowing at about 35 -40 mph! 
More work on the book today and I am hoping I can finish off the last (personal) proof read.  I think i'm still a long way from publishing though - - -
 pretty cold, maybe this is the start of the Expresses's Snow Bomb - - - the wind is quite brisk so it must feel really cold out - - -
just enough light on the weathercam to show what looks like a bit of a clear sky but I think there is some cloud about.  Forecasters are at odds with each other but the general trend is for the day to get better and even show the sun this afternoon - - -
Enjoy the day
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