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Sunday 24 January 2016

Airline pilots plotting! & some logging selfies

Fascinating story on the front of the Express  if its true I'm surprised so much detail has been released - - - 
 There's quite a bit of coverage of the huge Snow Strom Hitting the East Coast states of America this Sky News story has a number of video's including the one above showing the Panda at Washington Zoo enjoying the snow 
there's also a "gallery" of pics and this one amused me,  if the guy is meant to be "Secret Service" why has he got a sign telling everyone - lol - - - more pics in this Mail article 
Interesting story about the Cavendish Banana  in the 1950's the one plant at Chatsworth House became the saviour of the worlds banana trade when Panama Disease wiped out the then most popular banana Gros Michel.  It would appear from this story that the disease has now developed a new strain which is already ravaging Cavendish and other varieties in plantations around the world - - - 
 With the rain forecast for later in the day yesterday if I was going to get any logging in it would have to be in the morning.   The Temp as forecast early on was not too dire, around 6.5c and after a period of "make and mend" around the cottage i set off for the site
 with my previous blog title of take more selfies i set to reducing more rounds to firewood.  I had found a rather large tyre in the undergrowth which allowed me to put 4 large pieces into it to work on
 The large tyre idea works very well and apart from a small number of knotty pieces I soon make a difference to the wall
 after i finish the tree I'm working on the rest of the copse will go into its own pile but with the wood still left to do i reckon i might have to extend the wall back along the pile
 some time later and I'm feeling the effects of the effort now!
 the wall is a foot higher than when i started and i have been building up the stuff behind it as well.  I notice that its protruding onto the track as little but don't think it will be a problem.  The guy that rents the land only uses it to drive his sheep shearing cage into the field up the hill once a year
thats it for the day as i put the 2 mauls away into the pile and cover everything up with the plastic sheeting
on my next trip I'm going to tackle the big bit where the large boughs all sprouted from the main trunk. It could take some time to reduce to firewood! - - -
The http://www.xcweather.co.uk/  rain seems to be confined to the Lakes and above just now
 We start with a double figure Temp this morning and a forecast max of 14c! could be some wine drunk in the garden later!
95% cloud at the moment with the weathercam just about showing the 5% free just down to the South.  Just outside checking the cloud cover i could hear a bit of birdsong!

Enjoy the day
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