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Saturday 16 January 2016

No end to Migrant Crisis & The Bionic Ear is found!

The Express has a story about the emerging 2016 flow of migrants to Europe as well as covering individual countries efforts to control the situation - - - its looking like numbers this year could far outsrip last so action is required now! - - - 
Germany reacts to migrant sex attacks in swimming pools by 15 year old Syrian boys on young German girls by banning all migrants - - - yet another indication that these "south of the Med cousins" are just not like us, when will the politicians wake up to this 
Meanwhile Ms Merkal must be holding her head in her hands as Peter Schulz the German President of the EU Parliament is predicting the collapse of the EU under "terror and migrant strain" - - - its time to stop all this humanitarian pussy footing about and make some efforts to contain the situation - - - 

Katie Hopkins (dont you just love her!)  spreads a crumb of comfort on the muslim drive to change exams because of the ramadan conflict - - - Go girl! - - -
This idyllic scene of Hallsands beach in Devon is now just a thing of the past 
Since Christmas the sand on the beach has all been completely washed away  by the storms.  Damage to the coastline is not confined to just Hallsands however and the Environment Agency has assessed the "erosion risk to the road in the short term and property in the longer term.  But due to the low risk to a small number of properties no action is likely for 100 years"  - - - strange statement i bet the locals are less than delighted with this - - -
OK OK i make lists! lots of people do and  and i like reason number 1 on this article "10 reasons why we love to make lists"   which states "Lists bring order to chaos" although the underlying message of reason number 1 is the "fact" that "we live in an era of overstimulation" so your list helps you sort things out. 
Even after giving up work now for almost a month i am still of the "inclination" to do everything today! although I'm getting better at setting the "bar a little lower" 
Armed with this stimulus my list for yesterday starts with "Ear" which readers might remember i lost one of my "Bionic ears" when logging on Wednesday.  A quick search in the gathering gloom did not reveal it and having a full day Thursday it was not until yesterday i had time to go down to my logging area in a last ditch effort to find it, and avoid having to purchase a new one! 
I had been turning over in my mind my route down and what i had done so felt confident i would be searching in the right place but its a large area to search - - - carefully scanning the ground i approach where my rucksack was and Tadaaaaaaa! 
 there it is nestling in the frosty grass but wait?
 something is not right, the bit that go's inside my ear is missing
(both side by side for comparison) some rodent or other must have though my earwax was worth the effort - - - Mmmmm yummee! - - - Add to list for today Install small container in rucksack pocket to put bionic ears in!!! 
The rest of my list from yesterday allowed me to remember to post off a birthday card, deliver some photo's back to a friend and pick up some "vittles" from the shop. 
I had ideas of being "outside" later but the plunging afternoon Temp persuaded me to tidy up my old desktop machine which had untold amounts of rubbish on it - - - very satisfying - - -  
cold at -3.1 just now this morning, thankfully no breeze yet  
another clear sky view on the webcam and the promise of more sunshine looks to be on the cards.  Around Mid-day the picture could change and cloudier conditions might bring the promised snow 
Enjoy the day
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