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Thursday 28 January 2016

More EU lunacy & The shed gets the chuck out treatment

Another lunatic EU scheme is highlighted on the front of the express with a plan from skint Italy to have a reserve of cash to pay out of work people who are that way through Eurocratic ineptitude - - - 
A Mail Story this one of a  bloke firing a rifle underwater at himself ,  you'd like to think he experimented first? although he's only stood a short distance away the bullet doesn't even make half way towards him! - - - 
Spurred on by my clear out of old clothes i determined yesterday to have a go at my shed which is the old converted wood shed.  Its pretty small anyway and had begun to look like a stuffed suitcase because in the short time since i converted it more and more has gone in there.  Utilising an old 6 foot long wooden box and the small chest of drawers replaced by my new wardrobe i managed to redistribute some of the items littering the shed and threw out stuff that really shouldn't have been kept - - - I should do the same with the attic - - - maybe later! - - - 
With the book "finished" I am now in touch, by referral, to a "literary agent" and once the upcoming hols are out of the way will be getting to grips with showing off the manuscript and discussing the plan to publish it.  After talking to a friend who has published it looks like it might be "A long and winding road" in the words of the Beatles hit by the same name.  Mind you i suppose after all the work it took to get it down on paper it will be no problem!
We were meant to lunch yesterday but Sally had her itinerary changed so i decided to walk the white edge to The Grouse have a pint and then return via Froggatt Edge 
As i drove up through Chatsworth it seemed that i was following a downpour because in parts the road was flooded and Curbar edge was wreathed in mist and rain clouds.  
Climbing the hill to the Curbar Gap car park the situation improved 
 Once again water is flowing down the road and there's a rain shower heading to my left onto Curbar edge 
 the wind is very strong and although the Temp is 12c it feels cold looking into wind 
 I'm almost being blown off my feet a few times and have to change hands with my ski stick because it keeps getting blown in front of me as i walk,  even the normally firm sandy White Edge track is looking a little soggy, testament to the amount of rain recently.  I pass a group of about 10 walkers coming toward me who look to be not enjoying the windy conditions. 
at this point I am almost at the end of the edge before the track down to the pub.  As i take this pic into wind I am physically blown back 3 or 4 steps and so set an even quicker pace to get off the ridge.  
There's a warm welcome in the pub which has a full lunchtime crowd, the drinks have increased in price by 10p but hey who cares! I joke that i hope the pensioner discount has also risen! 
 suitibly dried out warmed up and fortified I don my wolfskin jacket for the return trip and eye the squalls rolling in from the South West on the still very strong wind. I spot this shower coming towards me from about 2 miles away 
 In a couple of minutes i am engulfed such is the speed that the thing is moving at.  I encounter the same group i saw just before the refreshment stop and they look a battered and soggy lot!  
 just short of Curbar Gap i get a final dousing from this squall racing toward me before i walk down the road a short while to Cyril the van 
Of course being back at the truck it now stops raining where i am but left of the shot behind the tree another squall is heading towards Chatsworth. 
Looking at the forecast for today i might just do an hour or so logging to clear a space alongside the copse wall for my next log pile before the rain is forecast early afternoon 
not much by way of any local rain at the moment on the XC weather chart
 Colder than forecast yesterday for this morning, it did sink to 1.5c around 05:30. A 4mph breeze is going to feel bitterly cold out there this morning.
A great weathercam pic of the clear sky with the moon heading towards Nine Ladies hill.  The morning is likely to be clear of rain but there are hints of a shower or two from the developing clouds around 15:00 ish
Enjoy the day 
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