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Wednesday 13 January 2016

English votes for English matters in Parliament at last & A bitterly cold walk to the lunch venue

Something for everyone on the front of the Express this morning  starting with the usual health "miracle", turns out the first fact on the story says "Dementia will be treatable in a decade" - - Ms Merkel admits that the migrant crisis in Germany is out of control amid rioting by her own people, which just go's to show that Europeans are completely different to our south of the Mediterranean cousins a fact that politicians are ignorant of or ignoring - - - and finally the text behind the "Winter Arrives" story indicates that tonight is "set to be the coldest night in more than a year with snow sleet and ice" - - - 
still breaking news but Sainsbury's have reported a 0.4% fall in like for like sales over the Christmas period although it reports market share being up to 17% ,  Not what they wanted really because Christmas is their busiest period.  I think this just shows that more people are drifting over to the discounting shops, a trend which the big boys have been trying to reverse for some time.  - - - 
At last in Parliament The "English votes for English law" rule was used in a debate about a Housing and Planning Bill that only applies to England & Wales.  The SNP roundly branded the changes as "Driving Scotland out of the door" - - - 
Having organised lunch yesterday and invited our friend Debs along she determined that she would like to accompany me on the walk to the venue. 
 the weather forecast was tending towards rain after a wet night but at the car park the prospects look pretty good 
 ignoring the White Edge walk because of the mud 
 we set off along Froggatt edge and the wind is bitter, blowing from our left.  We look into the wind and can see some ominous clouds way off on the horizon 
 stopping for a quick pic near one of the rockpiles Debs pretends the wind isn't blowing! scurrying onwards we are 200 metres short of the lunch stop as Sally passes us in Boris 
 After a hearty lunch we talk to Sally the owner and mention that in March this year we will have been darkening her doors for 20 years! I see Sally and Debs off in Boris because it will take too long for Debs to do the return walk with me and then get back in time to meet her kids from school, so she says! - - - lol 
 As i get up almost onto the ridge the dark clouds are not far away 
 I have mentioned this curious stone block before on the White Edge, the muddy puddle and footprints bear testament that the message on it, whatever it is, needs you to trek round it to decipher it.  It obviously reads differently depending where you start.  Something about, "Onwards soul rotate horizon"  !?
 looking upwind i wonder if i will make it before the rain arrives 
 soon after there is a break in the clouds and the sun shines down into the valley over Froggatt edge 
back at the van its a different pic than when we started, still very cold as i drive home - - - 
very cold this morning but no wind down here at the bottom of the valley just now 
the weathercam has the remnants of the clear overnight sky with just a hint of cloud moving in from the South and West just now.  With a max Temp of 5c predicted today i cant see much outside activity planned after we cruise over to Chesterfield to shop. 

Enjoy the day
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1 comment:

  1. http://www.companionstones.org.uk/site03/card2.htm
