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Sunday 17 January 2016

Middle class tax raid / / so whats new about that? & Some Snow at last

Obviously too late to get snowy pics on the front page the Sunday Express resorts to that old "hobby horse" to fill up the space - - - Its long been a bone of contention that if you work hard  and are up front about it you will inevitably be fleeced by the tax man.  Once you retire you are an even easier target! while others can hide behind the tax dodges that are freely available, doesn't work, wont work, self employed.  - - - death and taxes, death and taxes! 
The front page of the Sun carries a typical example of our wonderful benefit system. this woman has 12 children from a glittering assortment of partners and earns £45,000 a year in benefits.  Her present partner earns £19,200 as a delivery driver but they avoid benefit cuts by him only working "part time".  They are planning a £10,000 holiday to Las Vegas to renew their vows and she is having a £4000 boob job payed for on the NHS so in theory if you pay tax you could be funding her "heist" in more ways than one! - - - 
Colder than Alaska says this Express story about the fact that "Scotland is shivering in a 100 mile wide corridor of Arctic weather" along with the snow.  Down in the text of the article is a quote from the Met O for drivers "Ice may prove an additional hazard in places" - - - intelligent assessment! - - - 
This story is from the Mail quotes "A shock Mail on Sunday poll shows the Out campaign has opened up a 6 point lead" pointing at the Paris massacre the German migrant sex attacks and the general migrant crisis.  Far too early to start a resounding chorus of Land of Hope and Glory, but its a step in the right direction - - - 
 So finally the snow has arrived almost everywhere in the UK after promises from the weather peeps almost everyday for a week.  This Mail story has some great pics and i should imagine there will be more to come 
 In the icy frosty dawn yesterday we walked what we call the signal walk which has been more of a mudbath lately due to all the rain 
 the sheep strip feeding on the root crop leaves and stalks also helped leave the field a sticky muddy mess the 2 days of frost has made it possible to walk over it without getting muddy 
 we disturb the sheep which were sleeping by the hedgerow 
 what was a substantial lake not long ago has drained to smaller proportions now 
 the pond by the new cycle track has however looked to be getting larger and has a number of "residents" when it isnt frozen 
 the monumental waste of Department of Transport money for the cycle path continues to spill from the coffers as it snakes its way through what was a haven for all kinds of wildlife  i haven't banged that drum before!!!  
 here it comes from behind the trees but then skirts once more behind them in the distance 
a frosty view across the river ends the walk it will be a snowy one on todays outing, I had ideas of driving up the Snake Pass to do Kinder but i'll leave that for another day
just a little snow falling "down South" on the XC current weather chart 
 the Temp has been zero or just above for most of the night that breeze will make it feel rather cold! 
a welcome snowy weathercam pic for this morning with a hint from the forecasters we might get some snow flurries later in the day, nothing showing on the precipitation radar just now 
A Robin and then 2 Magpies join us for breakfast  


Enjoy the day
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