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Monday 25 January 2016

Storm Jonas approaches the UK & A dear friend visits us

The Express is extolling the virtues of a healthy diet to beat Arthritis this morning although it must be a very slack news day because this was covered by the same paper in June 2014 but back then it was claimed that a healthy Mediterranean diet could cure both types of arthritis 
The Daily Star is the first one to support my theory about the US East Coast storm heading for us, the story claims it will hit us Tuesday but instead of the snow we will have torrential rain and high winds. 
here are some video clips  of antics in the US snow - - - 
3 sperm whales  have been washed up on beaches near to Skegness, its thought they all come from the same pod, this comes after another dies on Friday on the Norfolk coast despite attempts to get it back into deeper water - - - 
This BBC story laments the  ends of production of the original Land Rover Defender this week,  there are some great pics in the article 
All is not lost however as a new model is set to be on sale in 2018  pic from Exclusive Images- - - 
The weather was a little dull yesterday but i decided to tackle the remains of the tree trunk 
 its a fairly big bit and my idea was to try and get as many rounds out of it as i could

 the chainsaw made light work of the job 
 and I soon had a number of round ready to lop off the main piece 

 the last large bit was too big to lift off the ground so not wanting to hit rocks with the chain saw i finished it off with the maul  
having smashed up the rounds and added them to the pile I'll try and complete the job on the larger pieces today.  With little of the tree left i think i might just saw it into pieces and start a new pile nearer to the copse which is my next area 
The highlight for us yesterday was a visit from an old friend Sharon who had been on a working trip to Europe and she stopped off on her way home for the afternoon with us.  We all hoped the snow in the US might delay her departure back to Canada but no such luck.  here she is just taking a few pics of our garden to take back with her.  
Not much UK rain around on the http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ chart but things might change as the day go's on 
 The Temp is just up to double figures after being at 12.2c at midnight! and the max temp today is forecast to be the same 
great looking sky on the weathercam but you know what they say "red sky in the morning shepherds warning" this could be the pre cursor for the approaching storm which is called "Jonas".  The general warning is of high winds and torrential rain, here's hoping it doesn't bring further misery to the already flooded areas of the UK - - - 
Enjoy the day
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