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Thursday 14 January 2016

Noel asks is Britain full! & I lose a bionic ear - Pardon?

The Express has a timely headline from Mr Edmunds and the comments at the Bottom of the story  reply with a resounding "NO" - - - the usual "alert" about the current weather makes the front page as well 
 On top of all her "migrant" issues Angela Merkel ponders the "brink of economic ruin" for Germany according to this story! - - - 
In light of all the Christmas results and the difficulties the big supermatkets have at the moment id does seem a little odd that Sainsbury's want Argos and Homebase i thought they owned Homebase years ago?  Anyway its probably an idea for more market domination that will play itself out in time - - - 
This is Chris Grayling who says "The EU is disastrous for Britain " lets hope he is around at the time of the referendum! - - - 
the dire predictions of  the coming snow still persist with a warning that "up to 4 inches of snow could fall in the UK tonight. Later in the story it looks like it might be just confined to the higher ground, - - - but who knows! - - - - 
 Below par pics because i used my iphone, why does it default to "HDR off" (High Definition" i believe the new models dont.  Anyway driving back from the retail therapy, isnt Aldi a revelation!? the sun was splitting the pavements.  Well not exactly but you know what i mean.  So i opted for an hour or two down at the logging site  
On my way down the hill the clouds covered the sun and it was an altogether cold experience.  Undaunted i swung my Maul and smashed the remaining cheese wedges into more manageable pieces ready for storage.  I had promised to take up a couple of long thin pole like branches to our friend Lisa who has some "Arty" idea for them.  Popping on my ear protection to cut them with the chainsaw i realised i had my "bionic" ears in and put them in my pocket.  
An hour or so later on arriving back home 1 is missing! a fruitless search later and it looks like i might be having to buy a replacement - - - hey ho - - - 
its an early start for us this morning with a trip down to see No 1 Daughter (the elder) so no weathercam pics today unless readers take a trip to the webpage or webcam links at the bottom of the blog 
very cold out right now with the 2.1c and the breeze coming down form the North.  Forecasters however are predicting some sunshine after lunch - - - dont you just love an optimist 
Enjoy the day
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